- 1). Fill a 4-inch pot with potting compost until 1 inch below the edge. Mist the germination medium until evenly moist.
- 2). Lay four or five Norfolk Island pine seeds flat over the germination medium, without covering them. Place the pot in a warm spot with indirect, bright light. Mist the compost frequently to keep it evenly moist at all times. The seeds germinate in 10 to 15 days.
- 3). Water the seedlings frequently so the medium remains moist at all times. Collect fallen leaves from around the base of the container and pull out the seedlings that turn completely white.
- 4). Fill a 6- to 8-inch pot with 3 parts peat and 1 part sand, and transplant individual seedlings into each when they begin to lean or bend over. Position the pot in a spot with a consistent temperature between 60 and 90 degrees F. Transplant the pine every two to three years to accommodate its growing size and roots.
- 1). Take a 2- to 4-inch-long cutting from a stem that is 1 year old, using sharp and sterilized pruning scissors. Make the cut directly below the node or the point where the leaf is attached, and ensure the cutting has four to six leaves and a terminal bud. Take the cutting in the summer when the terminal leader grows actively.
- 2). Remove the leaves from the lower 1 to 1 1/2 inches. Insert the lower end of the cutting in a bowl of rooting hormone until completely covered. Although rooting hormone is not necessary, it speeds up the process of rooting.
- 3). Fill a 4-inch pot with quality potting mix and poke your finger through the center to make way for the cutting. Plant the cutting with its hormone-covered end into the potting mix. Mist the pot until excess water drains out.
- 4). Bend a coat hanger into a U-shape and insert its two ends into the potting mix in the soil. Place the pot in a plastic bag to mimic the effect of a greenhouse. The hanger keeps the bag from touching the foliage of the stem.
- 5). Place the pot in a warm spot with indirect, bright light. Monitor moisture levels to ensure the mix remains moist at all times. The cutting roots in four to six weeks.
Propagation From Seed
Propagation From Terminal (Tip) Cuttings