Home & Garden: Perennials for Wet Shade

Perennials for Wet Shade

Shade gardens present a challenge for gardeners.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty ImagesGardeners encounter many types of growing conditions, many of which can not be altered. In areas of thick shade, plants do not get the light they need to grow. Add to that situation wet soils, and many...

Home & Garden: Mold on a Lilac Bush

Mold on a Lilac Bush

With their beautiful flowers and enticing scent, lilac bushes can be landscaping stars in your yard. If you notice what looks like white patches of fuzzy mold on a bush, act quickly to protect the plant.

Home & Garden: How to Grow Raspberries in the Woods

How to Grow Raspberries in the Woods

Raspberries are simple to grow, and grow in the wild throughout North America. Raspberries flourish in the woods and have little problem competing with weeds and saplings. However, wild raspberries are often quite small compared to their cultivated counterparts. No matter where you plant them, raspb

Home & Garden: Pine Tree Trimming Tips

Pine Tree Trimming Tips

Most evergreen trees are pruned when they have finished their period of growth in late summer through fall. Pine trees, however, because of a distinct growth pattern, are best trimmed in late spring or early summer. Even then, care should be given to determine the development of the new growth, ca

Home & Garden: Varieties of Watermelons

Varieties of Watermelons

The watermelon is a popular fruit for a summer snack, often cut up in a fruit salad or sliced and served on its own. Watermelons grow on vines and have a smooth rind and a sweet-flavored flesh that can range from pink to red to yellow. There are over a thousand varieties of watermelon cultivated wor

Home & Garden: Drought Tolerant Flowering Shrubs

Drought Tolerant Flowering Shrubs

Barberry fruit emerges in fall.barberry image by AGphotographer from Fotolia.comDrought tolerant shrubs are ideal for areas where rainfall is limited or when you want an unfussy, low maintenance garden. Choose those that flower and you have shrubs that help create a colorful garden...

Home & Garden: Can I Prune a Leland Cypress?

Can I Prune a Leland Cypress?

Leyland cypress (Cupressocyparis leylandii) is popular with homeowners who want a large evergreen in a hurry. The tree's growth rate slows as it ages, but young trees grow quite rapidly. Suitable for U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 6 to 10A, the tree benefits from pruning when young o

Home & Garden: Homemade Potpourri Oil

Homemade Potpourri Oil

Potpourri oil has been infused with essential oils, dried flowers or herbs to create a liquid that evaporates when placed on a warming surface, infusing the room with scent. It can be used in a potpourri burner, or poured in a pan and heated on the stove under a low flame. Placed in an attractive co

Home & Garden: Plum Trees & Sawflies

Plum Trees & Sawflies

Homeowners often plant plum trees for the fruit they produce. Plum trees are susceptible to insect infestations from weevils, scales and mites. Sawflies are also a common pest of plum trees. Tree owners may wish to apply insecticides during the year to avoid adverse effects from insect infestations.

Home & Garden: What is Sorghum Made Of?

What is Sorghum Made Of?

Sorghum is native to Africa and was introduced to the United States during the 1700s. Sorghum plant grain was once called "guinea corn," since it was used as chicken feed. Sorghum is processed to make a sweet syrup.

Home & Garden: How to Get Started in the Production of Field Grown Cut Flowers

How to Get Started in the Production of Field Grown Cut Flowers

When planning the production of field-grown cut flowers, you must be a good farmer as well as a savvy business person. You will be competing with wholesale flower growers that have the best biologists in the business working to bring the brightest and biggest flowers to the market. Also, big flower

Home & Garden: How to Propagate a Bonsai Tree

How to Propagate a Bonsai Tree

Bonsai trees are not a separate species of tree but rather a smaller version of a single tree. Many popular trees, such as jades and even some maples, can be grown in small pots and carefully pruned for bonsai care. These trees can be started from seed, but many growers choose to propagate their bon

Home & Garden: How to Hang Garden Spinners

How to Hang Garden Spinners

Not only are wind spinners an attractive garden accessory, but they can also serve a useful purpose. If you hang wind spinners in areas you wish to protect from wildlife, the wind spinners may help keep birds or critters away from some plants or flowers. Hang garden spinners of several varieties aro

Home & Garden: How Many Species of Mosquitoes Live in Florida?

How Many Species of Mosquitoes Live in Florida?

Out of the total 3500 species of mosquitoes, about 200 live in the USA; out of these 200, 75 to 80 species live in Florida. These insects are considered pests by humans for they are carriers of viruses that cause serious diseases; such as dengue, malaria, encephalitis, West Nile virus and elephantia

Home & Garden: Information on Laurel Oak Trees

Information on Laurel Oak Trees

Laurel oak (Quercus laurifolius) is a large, deciduous tree that is native to coastal areas in the United States from Virginia south and as far west as Texas. Unlike many oaks that have lobed or dissected leaves, the laurel species features narrow, elongated leaves reminiscent of the laurel tree.

Home & Garden: How to Arrange Sunflowers

How to Arrange Sunflowers

Late summer and early fall bring a parade of sunflowers in people's yards, as well as at florists and garden centers. The great thing about using them in an arrangement is that they come in so many colors. We are all used to seeing the golden sunflowers with deep brown centers, which are beautiful.

Home & Garden: Prunus Trees

Prunus Trees

Prunus is a genus within the rose family of plants. Stone fruits including peaches, plums, cherries and apricots are all part of the genus Prunus. Ornamental flowering cherry and plum trees are also Prunus trees. Attractive evergreen forms of ornamental Prunus trees are valuable in the landscape. Bo

Home & Garden: Beneficial Nematodes for Fleas

Beneficial Nematodes for Fleas

OverviewFleas can be a real pest for your garden and crop, so it is important to find an effective method to get rid of fleas without any side effects on the environment. There are many ways to fight against flea infestations, one of the easiest and eco-friendliest solutions being...

Home & Garden: How to Create New Shoots on a Dracaena Plant

How to Create New Shoots on a Dracaena Plant

Dracaena is a genus that includes over 40 species of plants. The most common are those of tropical origin that are generally grown as houseplants. These species include Dracaena fragrans -- commonly known as the corn plant -- and D. marginata, the dragon tree. The plants have a tendency to grow up,

Home & Garden: Lawn Problems With Mushrooms Growing

Lawn Problems With Mushrooms Growing

Mushrooms are a fungal growth that generally does not harm the grass of your lawn. However, some homeowners want to rid their lawns of mushrooms because of potential danger to pets or children, or because the mushrooms are unsightly. Removing mushrooms as they grow will keep the lawn looking well-ke