- The passion flower has over 400 different species. It comes in a broad spectrum of colors from white to bright red or purple. There are many different common names for the passion flower, some of which are maypop, apricot vine, and passion vine.
- You can start passion flowers from seeds, propagation (using cuttings 4 to 6 inches long), or you can purchase it already started from a nursery. They should not dry out and need to be placed in soil that has good drainage and is slightly acidic. Plant them where they will be able to receive at least four hours of direct sunlight daily. Since passion fowers are fast-growing vines, you will need to provide some sort of support such as a trellis.
- Passion Fruitpassion fruit image by Freeze Frame Photography from Fotolia.com
Only about 40 or so passion flowers produce fruit that is tasty enough to eat. The passion fruit is oval shaped and ranges in size from 2 to 8 inches. Once the fruit is picked, or it drops from the plant, it will continue to ripen. The fruit is soft and does not keep for long. The skin is not edible. When you open a passion fruit you will find it is quite seedy; however, the seeds, along with the pulp, are edible. - The name "passion flower" originated from 17th century Spanish priests, who believed the flower represented the crucifixion of Christ (passion of Christ). Although this symbolism is not universally accepted, it is the commonly recognized story of how the flower came to be named. The various parts of the flower symbolize the different aspects of the crucifixion. Starting at the top of the flower and going down, the three stigmata represent the three nails used to secure Christ to the cross. The five anthers have been said to represent the five wounds Christ sustained. Some versions have the five anthers, with their hammer-like shape, representing the hammers that drove in the nails. Next the corona has been likened to the crown of thorns placed on Christ's head. The corolla, with its 10 petals, represents the 10 apostles present at the crucifixion. Peter and Judas are not represented.
- Passion flower has been used as a mild sedative for aliments such as insomnia and stomach complaints that are the result of stress, anxiety or nervousness. It is frequently added to other calming herbs such as valerian and hawthorn.