- Poppies can bloom in bright orange and red colors.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Poppies are brightly colored flowers that are native to Asia, India and parts of Europe. The blooms grow well in gardens, especially when receiving lots of sunlight, but the annual flowers can also thrive wild. If you're interested in growing poppies, choose among several colors to make your garden much more appealing. - Poppies that have white blooms include the Oriental poppy, which grows most often in the Mediterranean. The flowers can grow to be quite large, and are often about 8 inches across. Alpine poppies grow in white as well, and thrive in the arctic regions of the world. The flowers are smaller than Oriental poppies, develop well in rocky soil, and are especially fragrant.
- The corn poppy, also called the Shirley poppy, is a bright pink color -- the flower buds open in the spring or summer, making them a wonderful choice for spring gardens. Corn poppies grow to be about 2 feet, and these pink flowers are annuals that self-seed. Iceland poppies are annual flowers that also sprout in pink; they have a pleasant scent and the stems grow to around 2 feet, with blooms that are 3 inches across.
- California poppies are a bright orange color, and is native to the state of California, as well as the southwestern region of the United States; the flower will grow wild on the hillsides of these areas as well. California poppies will make a garden look bright and energetic, and the blooms have been known to close on particularly dark days or as the sun starts to set each day.
- Big, yellow petals are characteristic of the Mexican poppy. The flower grows wild in Mexico, as well as the southwestern United States, and self-seeds freely. This makes it a practical choice for gardeners, but the Mexican poppy can become a nuisance and grow in excess if it is not fettered. These yellow poppies also need full sun in order to develop well, and can thrive in dry soil.