Home & Garden: How LED Lights Save Indoor Growers Cash

How LED Lights Save Indoor Growers Cash

Both novices and professional gardeners benefit from the use of LED light bulbs. These lights give you the ability to save money and lower costs for your greenhouse production. LED lights lead the industry in ...

Home & Garden: Blackberries Vs. Black Raspberries

Blackberries Vs. Black Raspberries

Many people assume that a blackberry and a black raspberry are different names for the same fruit. However, the blackberry and black raspberry are two different plants, with the one similarity being that they both belong to the genus Rubus, commonly classified as brambles, or thorny bushes.

Home & Garden: How to Build a Hydroponic System Box

How to Build a Hydroponic System Box

Growing plants without soil is hydroponic gardening. Instead of soil, plants have their roots immersed in a nutrient solution, and different hydroponic systems use different methods of supporting the plants. Perlite, lightweight particles that look like pebbles, is commonly used to hold the roots of

Home & Garden: Ten Simple Steps to Taking Cuttings

Ten Simple Steps to Taking Cuttings

Are you uncertain about what to do in the garden, and confused with gardening jargon? Let Fran help you with easy to follow tips and advice. This article gives you a step-by-step plan to taking cuttings and increase the number of plants in your garden!

Home & Garden: Kangaroo Plant Care

Kangaroo Plant Care

Kangaroo plants, or kangaroo paws, are large, brightly colored flowers with a velvety texture. A single flower blooms in the spring and summer atop a sturdy stem. Grown commercially in the United States, Japan and Israel, kangaroo plants make excellent cut flowers. Birds pollinate the flowers, which

Home & Garden: How to Cross Pollinate Luffa

How to Cross Pollinate Luffa

Growing luffa in your landscaping not only adds a vining plant to your garden, but it also introduces a productive plant you can harvest to make bath luffas for you and your family. By cross pollinating different luffa varieties you can experiment with growing new varieties which may be longer, wide

Home & Garden: Gardening - When to Prune

Gardening - When to Prune

Understanding the ways in which plants grow is essential to successful pruning.Well carried out pruning should be almost undetectable.

Home & Garden: 4 Essential Uses of a Garden Tiller

4 Essential Uses of a Garden Tiller

Beginning or experienced gardeners alike will benefit from the knowledge of why using a garden tiller is essential for any type of gardening project. See how using a garden tiller will lighten the workload and give you more time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Home & Garden: Have Your Own Rose-Covered Cottage

Have Your Own Rose-Covered Cottage

Growing climbing roses is not very complicated, but it does take some gardening skills. Roses do not typically grow in a vertical position on their own, they need a little help. These beautiful flowers need ...

Home & Garden: Do Tomato Plants Prefer Morning or Afternoon Sun?

Do Tomato Plants Prefer Morning or Afternoon Sun?

Tomato plants have a number of requirements, and one of the most important of those is adequate sunlight to fuel the growing process. If you're wondering whether the tomatoes need morning or afternoon sunlight, the frank answer is: both.

Home & Garden: DIY Rain Collection

DIY Rain Collection

Collecting rain water requires adapting a suitable container and directing the downpour from your roof into it. A screen keeps large debris and animals from getting into the stored water. Even without additional filtering, you can use water collected this way in your garden. A half-inch rain will fi

Home & Garden: How to Build a Portable Office Cabin

How to Build a Portable Office Cabin

Though portable offices do not require typical building permits, they are governed by national and local transportation restrictions. As of 2009, travel trailers must be under 13.5 feet tall and a maximum of 8.5 feet wide to travel U.S. highways without special permits. Unlike fixed-structure constr

Home & Garden: Uses Of Railway Sleepers

Uses Of Railway Sleepers

Railway Sleepers can give your DIY projects a hardwearing, economical and aesthetically pleasing look whether being used indoors as quirky support or furniture, or outdoors to give your garden that ex

Home & Garden: Fertilizer for Banana Plants

Fertilizer for Banana Plants

The banana is not a tree, but a herbaceous perennial which may be grown for fruit. Banana trees are heavy feeders and benefit from regular organic fertilization.

Home & Garden: How to Grow Esperanza

How to Grow Esperanza

As a tropical plant from Mexico and other similarly hot regions on the American continent, esperanza (Tecoma stans) is a shrub hardy in the U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 and higher. The plant produces bright yellow flowers in the shape of bells, which give the bush one of it

Home & Garden: Benefits Of Having A Well Maintained Lawn

Benefits Of Having A Well Maintained Lawn

Few surroundings can bring as much joy to the soul and relaxation to the body as a personal, well maintained lawn. Where bustling urban life brings constant sirens and horns, a lawn is the quiet oasis where one can escape to the deep countryside. Vibrant grass, bursting with creativity and life, can

Home & Garden: Undertaking Tree Lopping Sunshine Coast Activities

Undertaking Tree Lopping Sunshine Coast Activities

Sunshine Coast is a beautiful place to relax with its beautiful beaches and fine weather especially in the summer. This is also the time when trees blossom in every garden and park. Wherever trees are