Home & Garden Gardening

Have Your Own Rose-Covered Cottage

Growing climbing roses is not very complicated, but it does take some gardening skills. Roses do not typically grow in a vertical position on their own, they need a little help. These beautiful flowers need growing guidance or training in terms of the direction in which you want them to grow. They need the assistance of a gentle guiding force, and a trellis support system. With much patience, attention, and guidance, these roses can be the center of any one's attention. Let's review a few preparation steps that should be taken before preparing the roses for climbing.

Roses need the assistance of a trellis or other support system to hold them up as they grow. The trellis is available for sale from a local nursery, or one can be hand-made to your own specifications. Determine in which direction the roses need to grow, and plan a way to train them in that direction. Many gardeners may wish to have them grow along a fence, or around a windowsill, but in whatever way they grow they are bound to attract attention. The type of roses that most professional gardeners will use when they are growing climbing roses are the ever bloomers, and the spring bloomers. Ever bloomers grow throughout the entire season, and spring bloomers bloom mostly in the spring.

Some of the roses that gardeners use for growing climbing roses in their garden are the climbing grand floras, the climbing floribundas, the climbing polyanthus, the climbing hybrid teas, and the climbing tea rose. These roses can grow in a mix and match variety for an astounding, eye dazzling effect. Several factors should be under consideration before starting this project. What size the garden will be? Will there be adequate sunlight, and soil requirements for the plants? Is the support system the appropriate height and size for the project? Moreover, what combination of roses will perform best? When growing climbing roses it is important not to bunch them together. They need to be able to grow as freely as possible.

Be sure to plant the roses in firm soil. It important that the area around the roses be sunny and moist. However, they do not do well in standing water. Tie off young roses as they begin to grow. Begin training them at a young age, while they are flexible. Maintenance care such as pruning and deadheading may be necessary from time to time. Caring for and growing climbing roses is a wonderful relaxing experience.

The biggest problem many gardeners face when they are growing climbing roses is insects. Some insects like June bugs, red spiders, and even frogs like to feed on young roses. Applying a good milky, watery spray will help keep the plant safe. After each heavy rainfall, apply a fresh application of spray and powder to the plants.

A natural way to keep bugs away from the roses is to set up attractions for birds. Birds are an enemy to bugs, but a great benefit to roses, and plants in general.
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