Home & Garden: Forcing Bulbs - Brighten Your Winter Home with Spring Colors

Forcing Bulbs - Brighten Your Winter Home with Spring Colors

Nothing brightens a dreary winter day like a bouquet of fresh flowers.But there's no need to venture out in the cold to purchase pre-cut flowers that won't last; you can grow your own long-lasting arrangement in the comfort of your home.Forcing bulbs to bloom in your home is an excellent w

Home & Garden: Hydroponics Worldwide: A Look At Growing Systems Around The Globe

Hydroponics Worldwide: A Look At Growing Systems Around The Globe

The advent of hydroponic gardening has redefined the crop-growing industry worldwide. Western nations such as Canada and the United States, along with eastern countries such as Japan are currently at the forefront of the blooming hydroponics industry, maintaining a steady output of large yields and

Home & Garden: How to Propagate Cordyline Red Star

How to Propagate Cordyline Red Star

Cordyline Red Star is noted for its easy growth habits and its sword-shaped, red or burgundy leaves. Although Cordyline Red Star is perennial only in the warm climates of US Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 8 to 11, the plant can be grown indoors in cooler climates. Propagation by planting

Home & Garden: How To Kill Bindweed

How To Kill Bindweed

They say that patience is a virtue, and patience is exactly one the traits you will need if you want to kill bindweed effectively. Patience and willpower! This article will explain a little about the persistent, deep-rooted, nuisance and give advice on how to kill bindweed, hopefully for good.

Home & Garden: Benefits of Urban Agriculture

Benefits of Urban Agriculture

Urban farming is a very enjoyable and rewarding activity that all people should try. It offers a lot of benefits that you could take advantage of.

Home & Garden: How To Select Paving Stones

How To Select Paving Stones

The most popular pavers are the stones, but they can't be the best option always. Bricks can also be used in many cases as they are strong and durable both.

Home & Garden: Small Bushes & Shrubs

Small Bushes & Shrubs

Compact versions of large shrubs are becoming more widely available as growers turn their attention to producing plants that fit into small urban lots. Landscaping with smaller shrub varieties can provide gardeners with structural plantings that give their flowerbeds year-round interest without over

Home & Garden: The Best Hedges to Plant

The Best Hedges to Plant

A well-manicured hedge provides privacy to the yard and creates an outdoor oasis away from prying eyes. It separates areas in the garden and makes a barrier from the play area into the flower or vegetable garden. Hedges are tall, short, sculptured, formal or informal. They provide windbreaks, snow p

Home & Garden: Mulching Helps Keep Your Landscape Moist And Weed Controlled

Mulching Helps Keep Your Landscape Moist And Weed Controlled

For most of the landscaping in Phoenix, Arizona, moisture content becomes a prime issue. Arizona falls under subtropical desert climate and gets very dry. Most of the flowers planted are either cactus or ones that ...

Home & Garden: General Information on Lawn Mowing

General Information on Lawn Mowing

Many individuals that maintain their own yards and landscaping are not truly aware of the correct timing and length at which to mow their grass.

Home & Garden: Patio Table Covers

Patio Table Covers

The selection and maintenance of patio furniture is subjective to the time we spend outdoors. We can afford to be slightly careless in our approach towards removing tables and chairs after use if the patio is covered and in constant use. But it is the other way around when we venture out only on hol

Home & Garden: Attention is the Key When Caring for Orchids

Attention is the Key When Caring for Orchids

Caring For Orchids is not Hard A common misconception is that orchids are hugely difficult to maintain. But the fact is this: there are over 25,000 species of orchids and more than 100,000 known hybrids ...

Home & Garden: How to Grow Tomatoes Indoors and Outdoors

How to Grow Tomatoes Indoors and Outdoors

Are you interested in growing tomatoes? The best way to grow tomatoes is to start indoors and then take them outdoors. Learn how to grow tomatoes here.

Home & Garden: How to Build a Backyard Pond

How to Build a Backyard Pond

If you have ever thought about having a pond in your backyard, why not build one yourself? If you enjoy working on projects, this is one that will not only add beauty to your property, ...

Home & Garden: Beautiful Awnings Expand Your House

Beautiful Awnings Expand Your House

Finally the architectural design of the house has carried over to the outdoor space design of the backyard areas. Finally the architectural design of the house has carried over to the outdoor space design of the backyard areas.

Home & Garden: Save Your Bonsai Tree By Replacing Your Bonsai Pot

Save Your Bonsai Tree By Replacing Your Bonsai Pot

So you've got a Bonsai tree.Either, youve grown it from seed; unlikely.Bought it from a specialist or garden center- more likely, or been given one as a present- a lot more likely.

Home & Garden: Raised Vegetable Garden - How to Build Raised Vegetable Beds

Raised Vegetable Garden - How to Build Raised Vegetable Beds

This article will give you a brief introduction on how to build a raised vegetable garden. Do you want to build a free form garden bed, or one from timber, or bricks, or stones or some other recycled material? Depending on the materials you choose to make the beds from, your method will be different

Home & Garden: Must Have Patio Accessories For The Summer

Must Have Patio Accessories For The Summer

If you are somebody that enjoys spending time outdoors in the summer time on your patio, you would want to be sure to accessorize properly. I'm not talking about what you are wearing, I'm speaking about accessorizing your patio properly.