Home & Garden: Why Hire a Landscaper

Why Hire a Landscaper

For many homeowners, the yard is a do-it-yourself project. If it's a matter of simple maintenance, there's no reason this shouldn't be so, but if you plan on re-designing the landscape, or installing new landscaping where there was none, a professional landscaper can make the process much simpler an

Home & Garden: Bird Feeder In Our Garden

Bird Feeder In Our Garden

Througha bird feeder, you will be able to attract wild birds to come to domestic place or suburban areas. This is one of the reason why many are inclined in building a bird feeder. It does not only make the people happy by watching birds feed but it also add to the beauty of one’s place.

Home & Garden: Choosing Your Fence Panel

Choosing Your Fence Panel

Choosing the right fence panel for your garden is essential as they are fundamentally the corner stone of any garden.The panels mentioned above detail some of the more common options, but there are still occasions where they might not be appropriate. A particular occurrence is when your garden fenci

Home & Garden: Eco-friendly Ways to De-Ice Your Driveway

Eco-friendly Ways to De-Ice Your Driveway

Are concerned with how the rock salt you use harms your environment and your pets? This article gives you great tips on how to be eco-friendly and still maintain the winter ice.

Home & Garden: Smart Cents Gardening

Smart Cents Gardening

How to have a wonderful garden for pennies or for free! Learn some wonderful ideas for finding free resources in gardening.

Home & Garden: Saving Energy & Environment With Led Plant Lights

Saving Energy & Environment With Led Plant Lights

LED plant lights are extremely beneficial for plants and they are a far better option compared to the ordinary grow lights. They are perfect for saving energy and environment because they use fewer voltages and radiate very little heat.

Home & Garden: Basic Care For Plants

Basic Care For Plants

One thing that almost always brings a little life to a room is a plant. Plants come in so many varieties it can be hard to choose just one. Once you have chosen the plant of plants that you want to want to be sure that you know how to care for it so that it will be with you for years to come.

Home & Garden: Growing Cup and Saucer Vine (Cobaea scandens)

Growing Cup and Saucer Vine (Cobaea scandens)

Cup and Saucer Vines is a sprawling, vigorous vine with unusual bell-shaped flowers. It can be a slow started, but it's worth the wait. Here are some tips for growing it well.

Home & Garden: How to Eliminate Bats From Your Home

How to Eliminate Bats From Your Home

Winter is getting very close and one winter pest control issue for many Indiana residents are bats. While the smell and noise of a bat infestation is bad enough, however the diseases they can carry ma

Home & Garden: Pesticides for Hydroponically Grown Plant

Pesticides for Hydroponically Grown Plant

Plant lovers have grown sweet potatoes, hyacinth bulbs and various other plants in water for from a very long time.Hydroponics allows you to enjoy fresh, locally produced high quality food all year round, anywhere you ...

Home & Garden: The Top 5 Garden Tools For Your Vegetable Garden

The Top 5 Garden Tools For Your Vegetable Garden

There are hundreds of different garden tools available at most garden centers, just begging you to spend your money. The fact is, you only need a handful of tools to grow a successful garden. Find out what the 5 most important tools are for a successful garden.

Home & Garden: Summer Pest Control Management

Summer Pest Control Management

In the southern states, warm weather starts early and stays late in the year.While this is a great combination for people it also creates the perfect breeding ground for many common pests.

Home & Garden: Arizona Gardening In The Winter

Arizona Gardening In The Winter

Arizona provides excellent year-round gardening opportunities. Whether your gardening love lies with flowers, fruit, cacti, or trees, you can grow beautiful plants all year just by knowing when to give them a little attention and TLC.

Home & Garden: How to Disbud Flowers

How to Disbud Flowers

Some perennial flowers produce larger, more attractive blossoms if you administer selective pruning. Dahlias, carnations and peonies are just a few flowers that benefit from this pruning method. These flowers produce three or more buds on each flower stem. The terminal bud sits at the end of the ste

Home & Garden: How to Grow Gay Feather (Liatris)

How to Grow Gay Feather (Liatris)

This perennial (meaning it grows back year after year) has mauve, bottlebrush-like flowers in midsummer on plants that grow to about 3 feet.

Home & Garden: Fertilizing Orchids

Fertilizing Orchids

Orchids in their natural environment, obtain nutrients from organic matter that accumulates around their roots. When fertilizing orchids you provide them with the nutrients they need to help them flourish and also keeps your plants ...

Home & Garden: How to Grow Hawthorn Herb

How to Grow Hawthorn Herb

With more than 200 species to choose from, hawthorn can be found growing in many parts of the world. Hawthorn trees, or bushes, are not only pleasant to look at, but also have long been regarded as a source of beneficial medicine. Hawthorn berries have been reputed to aid in digestion, lower blood p

Home & Garden: Aeroponics System

Aeroponics System

Aeroponics is a very popular method of indoor growing. It is very comparable to hydroponics but it still has some characteristics that separates it from the rest of the crowd. Hydroponics is distingui

Home & Garden: How to Get Rid of Earwigs Eating Plants

How to Get Rid of Earwigs Eating Plants

Earwigs are common household insects that also can be found outdoors in the garden. Earwigs chew holes in plants and are drawn to shady, moist environments. The damage caused by earwigs may mimic the damage caused by slugs or rabbits. Getting rid of the earwigs involves trapping the existing populat

Home & Garden: Discover 7 Varieties Of Big Tomatoes Popular With Home Gardeners

Discover 7 Varieties Of Big Tomatoes Popular With Home Gardeners

The bigger varieties of tomatoes are so popular because home gardeners pick them to make their chutney, pickles, soups and other cooked tomato dishes. They are hungry plants and require good fertilizer to produce the best fruit but all that is worth it for the results that you get from these hardy p