Home & Garden: Diseases of the Butternut Tree

Diseases of the Butternut Tree

The butternut is a slow-growing, deciduous tree that thrives in full sun and fertile soils. This United States native averages mature heights up to 60 feet and produces a wide-spreading crown of dark green foliage. Though a relatively strong tree, the butternut is susceptible to several tree disease

Home & Garden: Boxwoods Provide the Perfect Understated Structure in the Garden

Boxwoods Provide the Perfect Understated Structure in the Garden

Boxwoods are wonderful broadleaf evergreen shade shrubs that define the garden space. No, they are not the sexy, showy plants that get a lot of attention. But they provide the structure, and dare I say the formality, of a garden throughout the year.

Home & Garden: The Breakdown of a Faucet

The Breakdown of a Faucet

Faucets have similar parts no matter which brand you install, or which type of faucet you choose. Breaking a faucet down into several recognizable parts helps you identify how faucets work and makes repairing different brands easier and more effective. It also improves installation processes and hel

Home & Garden: Build a Strong Foundation in Growing Climbing Roses

Build a Strong Foundation in Growing Climbing Roses

Growing climbing roses is one of the most unique ways in rose gardening. Imagine seeing roses covering arches and walls in your garden, what a really refreshing view it would be, wouldn't it? Growing climbing roses doesn't just provide lots of fragrance and bloom, but they may also have an

Home & Garden: Herb Garden Plants in Central Florida

Herb Garden Plants in Central Florida

Herb gardens are as useful as they are beautiful.S. Solum/PhotoLink/Photodisc/Getty ImagesHerbs require full sun to grow, making them ideal for Central Florida's USDA Hardiness zone 9. Chuck Clark, the president of the Herb Society of Central Florida, recommends you plant your herbs near...

Home & Garden: How to Care for a Setcrecea Plant

How to Care for a Setcrecea Plant

The Setcreasea plant, also known as Setcreasea pallida, Purple Heart or Wandering Jew, is an evergreen groundcover that is prized for its vibrant purple foliage. Native to Mexico, the Setcreasea plant prefers growing conditions similar to its native land. As a result, Setcreasea grows best in United

Home & Garden: 5 Popular Water Garden Pond Plants

5 Popular Water Garden Pond Plants

Water garden pond plants come in many varieties, with a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes. A well planted garden pond has an abundance of water garden pond plants, but the 5 most popular are water lilies, lotuses, calla lilly, iris, and pickerel weed.

Home & Garden: Pond Algae Control Tips for Spring Water Gardens

Pond Algae Control Tips for Spring Water Gardens

The spring pond season is an exciting time especially after a long, cold winter. Many pond and water gardeners are anxious to experiment and try out new products and techniques for ponds [http://www.drsfostersmith.com/pond-supplies/pr/c/5163]. But for ...

Home & Garden: Plant & Flower Morphology of Solanum Tuberosum

Plant & Flower Morphology of Solanum Tuberosum

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) are one of the few non-grains that provide a good source of starch carbohydrate in the human diet. Native to the cooler, frost-free highlands of northwestern South America, potatoes were embraced by the Spanish and brought back to Europe for agricultural use. The potato

Home & Garden: Two Very Affordable Dream Maker Spas Set New Marketing Trends

Two Very Affordable Dream Maker Spas Set New Marketing Trends

It's a fact that hot tubs over the years have become extremely expensive. Also as anyone who has owned one knows, they most often do require a great deal of space as well. So is this the only choice that a person has today? The fact is that Dream Maker Spas now has some great options in very af

Home & Garden: Paving Slabs: What you Need to Know Before you Buy

Paving Slabs: What you Need to Know Before you Buy

With spring finally here, many people will be looking for new paving slabs for the patio designs they may have had ideas for over the winter. With all of the different types of flagstone, patio pavers

Home & Garden: Which Garden Building Do You Need

Which Garden Building Do You Need

When spring comes we all start to think how to run out from the city. Gardening for many people become the main leisure activity. Somebody likes to plant flowers, others prepare the ground for kitchen garden or opens swim and relax season in nature.

Home & Garden: How to Care for a Fatsia Plant

How to Care for a Fatsia Plant

Fatsia (Fatsia japonica) will grow 10 feet tall with a spread up to 10 feet. Also called the Japanese fatsia, this plant has large, dark-green, glossy, lobed leaves. Large white flowers appear in October and will last for a few weeks. During the winter, the plant has black, shiny berries that the bi

Home & Garden: Change The Look Of The Lawn By Buying A Tree

Change The Look Of The Lawn By Buying A Tree

With the environment degrading fast our only hope to survive is to help the growth of vegetation. If you think growing a tree is tedious you should consider having one transplanted.