- 1). Plant your Setcreasea plant in a full sun area of your garden or home landscape that receives six or more hours of bright sunlight each day to ensure vibrant, purple foliage. Plant the Setcreasea in loose, fertile and well-draining soil at the same level that it was growing in its nursery container.
- 2). Water the Setcreasea plant immediately after planting it in your garden or landscape to moisten and settle the soil around the plant's roots. Continue to water your plant at least twice a week, or as often as necessary, to keep the soil consistently moist. Reduce the frequency of watering to just once per week during the winter months.
- 3). Fertilize your Setcreasea regularly throughout the growing season to encourage healthy plant growth. For best results, feed the Setcreasea plant monthly with a balanced, liquid plant fertilizer product used according to package directions. Cease fertilization during the winter months, but resume your regular fertilization schedule in the spring.
- 4). Prune your Setcreasea plant in the late fall, after it has finished blooming. Cut the stems of the Setcreasea plant back by half with a pair of sharpened and sterilized pruning shears to promote healthy, vigorous growth the following growing season.