- 1). Buy a flatbed over-the-axle trailer with a minimum of two 3,500-pound axles. Screw aluminum flashing onto the deck of the trailer with sheet metal screws to prevent weather and vermin infiltration.
- 2). Screw together a 2 x 4 floor framework with wood screws. Space joists 16 inches on center. Tighten "U" brackets around the metal trailer deck supports and the 2 x 4 floor joists with a crescent wrench. Insulate between joists with foam boards and spray foam. Lay a bead of adhesive caulk along the top of the floor joists and screw 3/4 inch plywood sub-floor onto the joists with wood screws.
- 3). To frame the walls, screw together 2 x 4 studs, spaced 16 inches on center, with wood screws. Brace openings over windows and doors with 2 x 4 headers. Screw walls to floor joists with wood screws.
- 4). Run a bead of adhesive caulk along the outside edges of the stud walls. Screw 3/8 inch plywood sheathing on the outside of framed walls with wood screws. Drill a pilot hole through the sheathing in a corner of each of the window and door frames large enough to accept a jig saw blade. Insert jig saw blade into pilot hole and cut around the framework until all excess sheathing is removed. Staple house wrap to the exterior sheathing.
- 5). Screw together the roof framework with 2 x 6 rafters, spaced 16 inches on center. Screw rafters to stud walls with wood screws. For added stability, place an "L" bracket beside each rafter and screw to the rafter and stud wall with wood screws. Run a bead of adhesive caulk along the top of rafter framework. Screw 3/8 inch plywood sheathing to outside of the rafters. Staple tar paper to the exterior roof sheathing.
- 6). Fit door and windows into stud wall framing and anchor with wood screws. Screw 1/4 inch lath to each stud on exterior walls with galvanized wood screws. Starting at the bottom, screw cedar siding to lath with galvanized wood screws. Lap galvanized metal roofing panels together and screw into roof rafters with sheet metal screws.
- 7). Study an office electrical diagram online. (See References 2 & 3.) Screw service panel in between two wall studs with wood screws. Snap circuit breakers into place in the breaker box. Nail electrical outlet boxes to stud walls according to the electrical diagram. Drill holes through interior stud walls for electrical wiring. Insert romex wires into the circuit breaker, tighten contact screws and pull through stud holes to outlet locations. Insert romex wire into outlet contact points and tighten contact screws. Screw outlets to electrical boxes with provided machine screws.
- 8). Insulate walls and ceiling with foam board and spray foam. Nail tongue-and-groove paneling to interior wall studs with finish nails. Nail laminate flooring to plywood sub-floor with finish nails. Nail trim to interior studs to cover gaps along window and door framework and flooring edges with finish nails.
- 9). Screw outlet covers to electrical boxes with provided screws. Add a free-standing electric space heater and window air conditioner for comfort. Follow manufacturer directions for placement, installation and safety precautions.