Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Tantric Stripfighter Trina Volume 1

Tantric Stripfighter Trina Volume 1

Read a review of Tantric Stripfighter Trina Volume 1, a original English language manga series by Ken Faggio and Fernando Furukawa from TokyoPop. Trina Devi saw her tribe killed off by mercenaries. Now the last of the Tantric Strip Fighters is out for revenge.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Your Own Canvas for Painting

How to Make Your Own Canvas for Painting

This is a step by step process on how to make your own canvas for painting. It helps to have some knowledge on using a hand saw, because you will be creating your own frame before stretching your canvas.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Apply Glaze to Furniture That Is Painted

How to Apply Glaze to Furniture That Is Painted

Painting furniture is one of the easiest ways to change the look of a piece. Painted furniture often lacks depth, however. This problem is easily fixed by glazing the painted furniture. Glazing adds dimension and depth to a painted piece, and can create a unique, antiqued look for your piece.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Top 5 Gifts for Children

Top 5 Gifts for Children

Birthdays are the most awaited days for children. This article focuses on 5 basic tips for parents before buying a gift for their kid. It also provides detailed information about the top 5 gifts for ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Should I Use a Brush or Roller to Paint Kitchen Cabinets?

Should I Use a Brush or Roller to Paint Kitchen Cabinets?

Painting your cabinets can be time consuming.Modern kitchen image by MAXFX from Fotolia.comUse a RollerPaint rollers cover more area.paint rolller image by Wayne Abraham from Fotolia.comYou should use a roller when painting a kitchen cabinet. They cover more surface area in less time, and...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Kind of Paint Do I Use on Concrete Steps?

What Kind of Paint Do I Use on Concrete Steps?

Concrete is known for its strength, not its beauty. A fresh coat of paint can work miracles to improve the appearance of your dull and gray concrete steps. Painting concrete is not difficult, but it is imperative to prepare the surface and use the appropriate paint to ensure a successful outcome. If

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to draw Death the Kid from Soul Eater

How to draw Death the Kid from Soul Eater

Soul Eater is a popular anime series where Death trains his apprentices to one day replace him. Death the Kid is one of the series' lead characters. Learn to draw him by studying art from the original series and using basic techniques to recreate the kinetic anime style used in the show. Death the K

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Paint Sprayer Vs. Brush

Paint Sprayer Vs. Brush

After you’ve picked out that perfect color to paint your new house or bedroom, you’ll need to decide how the paint is going to be applied: via a paintbrush and roller or a paint sprayer. Both have their pros and cons, and each one is suitable for a specific job – but it's ultimatel

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Draw a Flying Butterfly For Kids

How to Draw a Flying Butterfly For Kids

Butterflies are known for being colorful insects that often add to the beautiful quality of a garden or other outdoor area. They can be drawn by kids at any skill level. The key to making it look like the butterfly is flying is to do the drawing at a slight angle, which helps give the look of moveme

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Use Lacquer for Guitar Paint

How to Use Lacquer for Guitar Paint

A painted finish can add significant beauty to an ordinary guitar. Unfortunately, the wrong type of paint may appear dull and won't provide adequate durability to a musical instrument forced to endure constant handling. A glossy lacquer paint is well-suited for guitars, because it provides durabilit

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Paint Using a Projector

How to Paint Using a Projector

When amateur painters attempt to paint intricate shapes, patterns and designs on a wall, they often end up with wavy, off-centered results. Unless you are an artist, or at least possess a very steady hand, you will need to use a projector to cast the image so you can use it as a guide. Application s

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Quick & Easy Room Paint Ideas

Quick & Easy Room Paint Ideas

Use stencils and sponges for quick, artistic paint jobs.paint roller image by Ana de Sousa from Fotolia.comPainting a room can be tiring work, especially if you want to create a striking or unusual design and are low on time. Try to find a painting idea that you can tackle in stages and...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Anime Expo 2008 – Trinity Blood Cosplay

Anime Expo 2008 – Trinity Blood Cosplay

Inoli P. as Abel, Stephanie F. as Lilith and Kayla G. as Cain from Trinity Blood. See photos of highlights from Anime Expo 2008 at Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, California, including the crowds of fans, creative cosplay, special guests and events.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Draw Human-Like Wolves

How to Draw Human-Like Wolves

Werewolves are mythical half-man, half-wolf creatures that stalk the night beneath the light of a full moon, searching for prey with which to quench their thirst for blood. Drawing these creatures doesn't have to be difficult. Find out how you can bring the werewolf in your mind alive on paper.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Create a Religious Icon

How to Create a Religious Icon

Religious icons are portable Christian images of Christ, the Virgin and various saints and martyrs used to help the devout to pray. Icons are particularly favored by the Eastern Orthodox Churches, which have a long tradition of making beautiful religious images to assist with prayer. Icons are not m

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Mix Paints for Stucco

How to Mix Paints for Stucco

Stucco is a good way to add texture to an exterior wall, and to mask imperfections in that wall. Although it can be bought pre-mixed, you can make up your own with Portland cement, sand and hydrated lime. Start with a thin scratch coat and add what’s known as a “brown” coat before

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Sharpen a Grease Pencil

How to Sharpen a Grease Pencil

Grease pencils, also known as wax pencils and china markers, are crayon-like pencils made of wax and designed to write on non-porous surfaces. They are frequently used to mark glass, stone, plastics, analog audio tape, ceramics, photographic contact sheets and other glossy surfaces. Grease pencils a