Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Beer Allergy: Symptoms And Causes Of An Allergy to Beer

Having beer allergy is not something that everyone is familiar with.
Other food allergies, people can understand.
They are even familiar with peanut allergy.
However, if you mention that you have an allergy to beer, an incredulous look will appear on the face of your friend.
Beer is a beverage beloved to all.
Manly men and gregarious laughter are often associated with beer drinking.
An ice cold glass of beer in one hand and a juicy hotdog in the other is usually seen on game nights.
Whoever would have believed that there is something in beer which can make other people itch.
Beer allergy is not very common.
This is because sometimes the symptoms of hypersensitivity to beer may be masked by symptoms of too much drinking.
So how do you know if it's a beer allergy? Simple, if you experience itchiness or facial flushing with even a sip of beer, then it is possible you may have beer hypersensitivity.
To confirm this assumption, several laboratory procedures may be done.
The allergy to beer develops when one of the components that make up beer is mistaken by the immune system as something bad.
These components can be from the barley, yeast, wheat or sulfates.
When these are consumed in beer, the allergic reaction starts.
Itchiness over all areas of the body, flushing or red faced, swollen lips, and shortness of breath characterizes an allergic reaction to beer.
Sometimes, allergy to other substances such as yeast and wheat means an allergy to beer may also develop.
Of course, it could also be that some beers have lower concentrations of allergens than others.
However, these allergies should not be taken for granted.
Anaphylactic reactions may also develop in this type of allergy.
This is when uncontrolled allergic responses are compounded in one person.
Suffocation plus irregular heartbeats observed in a person may indicate the onset of the response.
Treating beer allergy involves treating the associated symptoms.
There is no known cure for this allergy, or any other allergy for that matter.
The use of antihistamines is to manage exacerbations of rashes and hives.
Bronchodilators open up clogged air ways.
These two are the mainstays of therapy for beer allergy.
Another way to address the problem is to relax.
Stress aggravates skin conditions involved in allergic attacks.
Although true allergic reactions to beer are uncommon, several information sources are available through the internet.
More facts regarding beer allergy can be found if you search the right place.
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