Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Sinus Surgery - Are You Really Ready And Will It Help You?

Sinus surgeries is certainly an option for chronic sinusitis and sinus infections.
But a lot of people who've had sinus surgery, and still have the symptoms that they had before the surgery will tell you that they wish they had explored their other options better.
Very few people really need sinus surgery.
If you want to be sure that surgery is a good choice for you, the best way to do that is to explore all of the non-invasive options available to you.
After all, any good doctor will tell you that there are no guarantees with any treatment-including surgery.
The one thing we can be sure of, are the risks associated with surgery.
And now that sinus surgery has been around for a while, you can even find lots of people who've had the surgery to or even three times.
That's because the symptoms just keep coming back.
And antibiotics are obviously not the answer for everyone.
The more we learn about antibiotics, the better we understand that treating your chronic infection or condition with antibiotics is like putting a Band-Aid on a bullet wound.
It might make you feel better, because you're doing Something about your problem.
But since the symptoms keep coming back, it's probably time to assume that the antibiotics are just masking the symptoms.
Let's look at it like this...
If antibiotics are designed to kill the underlying cause of the infection.
Then how come your sinusitis or sinus infection keeps coming back?What I'm trying to say is that since you're considering having surgery you obviously have a chronic or ongoing condition.
So let me ask you.
What makes you think that letting someone stick a balloon up your nose or cauterize (burn) the lining of your sinuses with a laserbeam is going to help you?After all, don't you have a chronic infection or inflammation?Won't the infection and inflammation still be there after the surgery? Wouldn't it be better to try to find the underlying cause of your sinus misery and do something about that? I mean, if it's allergies, or mold, or something in your diet, or some other environmental factor that's causing your sinus misery-wouldn't it be better to try to figure out what it is and do something about that before you have the surgery? All I'm saying is: Before you commit yourself to going under the knife, shouldn't you at least try some simple, natural alternatives.
Like these: How about a simple sinus rinse?You can get yourself a neti pot off of eBay for less than 20 bucks and use it daily to rinse the irritants from your sinus passages.
This simple act alone has helped more people get off the antibiotic merry-go-round than anything else I know.
How about an air purifier for your bedroom?It's more expensive than the Neti pot for sure, but just breathing clean, filtered air overnight can make a tremendous difference in the way you feel the next day.
How about some simple diet changes?Have you noticed that your sinuses flare up, or that you get a sinus infection, after you eat certain foods?I did.
For me it was ice cream.
Whenever I would eat a bowl of ice cream my sinuses would start to swell and become congested.
And just like clockwork, by the next day I would be miserable.
And the strange part is, it can't be a dairy allergy because I can drink milk without a problem.
I never would've known that if I hadn't started keeping a diary in taking an interest in what I ate and how it affected my sinus problem.
These are just a few simple things you can try.
There are many others.
The important thing is not to let anyone convince you to do something that you're not ready to do.
I know it's hard to be logical about this when you're suffering.
But all I'm recommending, is that you try the simple, natural and noninvasive treatments first.
Doesn't that make sense? If you want to learn more I recommend: www.
I would really love to hear any questions or comments that you may have.
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