Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

What is a Sinus Tract?

To understand what is a sinus tract, we need to go a bit into the graphic description of the structure of our skull.
Sinuses are cavities in our skull.
They are not very large but very significant.
In fact the sinus tracts are as narrow as the lead of a pencil is.
They basically act as connectors.
Though themselves they do not perform much physiological function as such but their well being is very essential for our survival and good health.
Sinusitis is the infection of sinus cavities by some microbes or pollutant or allergic substance.
Now what is a sinus tract infection's link with nasal discharge and headache and excessive formation of mucus is not very difficult to comprehend if we understand what is the job of a sinus tract.
While linking our nasal passages to the lungs, our sinuses cleans the air that we breathe by purifying it of microbes etc.
by making them stick to the mucus which is produced there.
These days what is considered as the most effective treatment for sinus tract infection is Zinc.
Antibiotics are also used to deal with the infection if it is not very acute and has not acquired chronic proportion.
There are hoards of other old and new methods to deal with sinusitis but most of them are basically to provide relief and comfort and enabling the body to fight the infection itself.
It is also preferable to avoid the use of antibiotics, especially the strong ones and painkillers to treat sinusitis as in the long run they may have serious side effects.
Now what does a sinus tract infection have to do with congestion in the chest is only this.
Once the sinuses are infected, the other parts of the body dealing with respiration process also gets infected and clogged with mucus.
When we are healthy, then the mucus produced in the sinuses are transported to our stomach where it is dealt with acid which destroys the microbes present in the mucus which come through the air that we breathe in.
when we get sinusitis, this process does not remain smooth.
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