Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Clearing the Air on Vacuum Cleaners and Asthma: What every vacuum cleaning dealer should know about

The Third International Workshop on Indoor Allergens and Asthma recommend "regular vacuum cleaning" as being "important to minimize the total allergen burden" in the home. However, they too recognize the importance of a multifaceted approach to allergen control.
  • There are over 70 million people affected by asthma and allergy in America
  • Americans spend up to 90% of their time indoors where levels of most pollutants are much higher than in the outdoor environment.
  • Indoor air pollution levels can be highest in the bedroom
  • The most effective vacuum cleaners can be powerful tools in improving indoor air quality

Asthma is an inflammatory disease affecting the airways and allergy is a disease of the immune system.  Both diseases are adversely influenced by exposure to indoor air pollution including a long list of irritants, volatile organic chemicals (VOC) and allergens namely dust mites and animal dander. That's why the asthma & allergy friendly™ Certification Program has been testing and certifying vacuum cleaners for the past several years.  This program, in collaboration between the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) and Allergy Standards Limited (ASL), is leading the way in helping vacuum manufacturers produce better products, and helping parents and patients with asthma and allergies make better choices.

House dust mite allergen and cat allergen can be removed by vacuuming but some vacuum cleaners do not adequately remove these or might even distribute them back in to the air. Many concerned heads of household do not know this and are left with other questions.
  • How do I know if my vacuum cleaner is good at picking up allergens?
  • Does it leak allergen into the air around the motor?
  • Do allergens get into the air when emptying the bin or bag?
  • Does the filter work for trapping allergens?

The Certification Mark is only awarded to vacuum cleaners that have been scientifically tested to prove that these types of questions have been answered, thus allowing consumers to vacuum with confidence.

ASL and their test laboratory IBR have over 10 years research and development experience in this area and have worked with some of the biggest brands in the vacuum cleaner world. Their research has shown certain vacuum cleaners are more suitable than others, where allergen filtration is concerned. In prototype development and claim verification they have assisted clients in avoiding huge development losses and shipping delays.

Vacuum cleaner retailers and dealers are also missing out on a huge opportunity to educate and engage with their customers both in offline and online communications.

There is a huge unmet need in the floor care cleaning products and indoor air quality sector. A recent study by Harris Interactive showed that nearly half of people surveyed believe products bearing the asthma & allergy friendly™ Certification Mark are "better choices for patients."

If you are a vacuum cleaner manufacturer or dealer concerned about any of the issues above please contact Michael Breshgold at 248-520-3552 or email to

To coincide with my appointments at the 2011 VDTA I will be distributing my new e-book from our latest research on asthma and allergy and purchasing decisions conducted by Harris Interactive. I would be delighted to email you a copy after our meeting.

Michael is Sales Manager for the asthma and allergy friendly™ Certification Program in the United Sates.  He can be reached at 212-796-6951 or cell 248-520-3552.  Feel free to email Michael at
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