- 1). Treat the bare wood with a mixture of 10 percent bleach and 90 percent water. Allow the mixture to soak into the wood for it to really get to the stain.
- 2). Mix together enough baking soda and malt vinegar to make a paste. Apply the paste to the urine stain on the bare wood and allow it to dry for approximately 16 hours.
- 3). Don rubber gloves to protect your hands from splinters, and rub the dry baking soda/vinegar mixture into the wood using your fingers. Remove the mixture from the bare wood using paper towels and sweep the remaining powder off the wood using a broom or brush.
- 4). If the odor and stain remain, sand the wood down past the stain until you see fresh, unstained wood. If the stain has soaked through the wood entirely, replace the entire piece of bare wood with a new piece.