- 1). Open the windows you are about to clean and vacuum the tracks. Remove all loose dirt and debris.
- 2). Mix one-fourth cup white vinegar with three cups of hot water in a plastic spray bottle.
- 3). Spray all parts of the UPVC window frame and track. Let solution sit for two minutes and wipe with a clean, damp rag. Inspect the window frames for scratches, stains and cracks as they dry.
- 4). Brush on PVC gloss with a small paint brush or sponge. Pay special attention to any areas with heavy stain or scratches. This will make older window frames look like new.
- 5). Follow the drying instructions on your PVC gloss product. Wipe away any excess that has transferred to the windows with a damp paper towel before it dries.
- 6). Close windows and spray them down with glass cleaner. Wipe dry with paper towels.