- What is commonly referred to as "steam cleaning" of carpets is called "hot water extraction" by professionals. This method utilizes a powerful machine mounted to the carpet cleaning technician's truck or van. While in use, a long hose with a vacuum-like wand is pulled into the client's home. As the wand is pushed forward, a stream of hot water and cleaning solution is forced into the carpet, where it loosens dirt and grime. When the wand is pulled backward, the dirty water is suctioned back through the hose and stored in a grey water tank in the truck.
- Portable steam cleaning, or hot water extraction machines, work in the same manner as truck mounted equipment. However, the machine that heats and pushes water into the cleaning wand is small enough that it can be brought into homes to reach carpeting on upper levels or in areas that are difficult to access. Although the mobility is convenient, portable systems typically have less suction power than their truck mounted counterparts, creating longer drying times and less cleaning power.
- Consumers can rent portable hot water extraction machines for use without the assistance of a professional. Available at many grocery stores or home improvement centers, these machines force a cleaning solution and water into the carpet fibers as they are pushed by users. Like professional systems, the water is extracted when the machine is pulled backwards. While rental of the machine normally costs less than a professional cleaning, there is a risk for carpet damage if too much water or too much cleaning solution is used.
- Homeowners should be aware of their carpet's warranty when choosing which type of steam cleaning to use. Some carpet manufacturers require that carpets be steam cleaned by a professional in order to keep the warranty in effect. Also be aware that not all professional carpet cleaners utilize hot water extraction. Dry cleaning methods are also available. However, these methods are typically only considered effective for light cleaning and not recommended by carpet manufacturers.
Truck Mounted Hot Water Extraction
Portable System Hot Water Extraction
Do-It-Yourself Steam Cleaning Systems
Carpet Cleaning Standards