- 1). Turn on your television.
- 2). Press the "TV" and the large "SEL" buttons together and hold until the "iO" button in the center of your remote lights up. If your remote does not feature the yellow "A," blue "B," or red "C" buttons across the top, press and hold "TV" and "DONE" simultaneously and the "iO" button will light up.
- 3). Enter the three-digit code for your television's brand while pointing the remote at the TV. You can locate the code for your television on the Optimum website found in the resources of this article. There will be several codes for each brand; you may need to try more than one. The television will turn off once the correct code is entered.
- 4). Press the "MUTE" button on the remote to verify the code. The TV should turn on and then off. If your remote does not feature the yellow, blue, and red buttons, press "SEL" to verify.
- 5). Press the "TV" button and the code will be stored. The "iO" button will blink to confirm the code is set.
- 1). Turn on your television.
- 2). Press the "TV" and the large "SEL" buttons together and hold until the "iO" button in the center of your remote lights up. If your remote does not feature the yellow "A," blue "B," or red "C" buttons across the top, press and hold "CBL" and "DONE" simultaneously and the "iO" button will light up.
- 3). Continually press and release the "CH+" or "CH-" with the remote pointed at the TV until the TV shuts off. With each press the remote is trying a new code. You may need to press the "CH+" or "CH-" button several hundred times before the proper code is found. For a remote lacking the yellow, blue, and red buttons simply hold down "CH+" until the TV turns off. Then press and release "CH-" until the TV powers back on.
- 4). Press the "MUTE" button on the remote to verify the code. The TV should turn on and then off. If your remote does not feature the yellow, blue, and red buttons, press and release "CH+" until the TV shuts off.
- 5). Press the "TV" button and the code will be stored. The "iO" button will blink to confirm the code is set.
Three-Digit Code Method
Auto-Search Method