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Foreplay - Secrets From Casanova"s Memoirs

It is highly doubtful that many people today have read the whole 4 volume autobiography of Casanova's life.
It is after all, literature, and not in any sense pornography.
However a careful read though gives one the feeling of the 18th Century in Europe (as Casanova traveled in many countries).
His sexual conduct was limited to only 167 conquests, which by today's standards, would rate him as an average lover in Moscow or perhaps Los Angeles.
He was, however, a master of seduction, and his techniques of foreplay, as appropriate today as it was over 200 years ago.
Planning To say that Casanova was spontaneous in his approach to bedding women would be a mistake.
He was a careful planner, something akin to a general to an impending battle.
He would do research on the target (meaning he was a proto-psychologist), and also, carefully think ahead of ways to achieve his desired result.
Most of his plans were clever, and very entertaining to read about.
Pleasing His Perspective Partner Being Italian, and of great the great city Venice, Casanova was a master of many of the personal arts, one among them cooking.
In a tavern or home, he was very careful to either prepare his meals himself, or to supervise their preparation.
He had a few standard "pleasers" for his women, as he knew they were sure to please.
They were oHot or cold chocolate drink.
Remember, chocolate and coffee were still novel at that time oShell fish, especially the oyster.
He was the first to write about its aphrodisiac qualities oSparkling wine and fruit (one might imagine strawberries).
oAlways a desert with a variety of sweets presented You can see from the list above, Casanova was ingenious in the use of foods as a tool for seduction.
Meals during that period were not delicate, but heavy with stews and soups.
Casanova would prepare (or have prepared) meals of utmost delicacy and spare no expense.
His only idea was to please his partner but catering to their basic desires, eating being one of them During the Meal Foreplay Strategy Casanova would measure the courses, and the meal to match his conversation and stories.
He would spark the lady's imagination with stories from his esoteric repertoire and even indicate to them their fortunes.
His concept was to break down any conditioned responses to rejecting his advances.
So, keeping the stomach full, the head light, and the mind occupied did the trick.
All this during the meal itself.
Casanova would take the meal across from the lady, but slowly he would sit closer, and by the dessert, he and the lady were in very close company.
Closing Techniques Closing (the word as used today as in a contract or sale) was his greatest talent.
He knew the value of foreplay, and employed it in all its aspects.
The final form of finally kissing and fondling his prospective partner came after much teasing and implication.
Casanova was never rude, or crude in any way, and in his refined and elegant manner, slowly broke down the walls of the lady's castle and entered with her complete surrender.
In Today's World Use of Casanova's methods are still valid today.
Women still love to be pampered, and just seeing a man so concerned about the preparation of the meal, and its presentation is a great foreplay technique in its own right.
Try our hero's techniques, and when you see them working, remember him fondly, as this would have pleased him greatly.
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