- 1). Hold a measuring tape in your hand and extend your arm out to your side as though you are about to swing it in a circle like a rope. Let the end of the tape go down to the floor to measure the distance between the floor and your hand. This is the length of the LEDs that you will need to create your own light painting orb.
- 2). Transfer the measurement to the LED string, measuring out from the battery pack of the string of lights towards the end. Hold onto the light string at this point, and gather the remaining lights at the free end of the lights in your hand.
- 3). Place the gathered LED bulbs together in a bouquet shape. Wrap the bottoms of the LEDs ---the socket where the bulb attaches to the wire--together with electrical tape. Wrap the excess wire that is hanging down from the LED bouquet together as well with electrical tape.
- 4). Cover the LEDs on the rest of the wire or string of lights leading up to the battery pack with a thick layer of electrical tape to hide them.
- 5). Place your camera on its tripod. Change your camera settings to manual and turn off the auto-focusing. Change the exposure or shutter speed setting of the camera to 10 seconds and the F Stop setting to 2.8. The F Stop setting controls the amount of light that enters the camera during the film exposure. Place a piece of electrical tape on the floor to mark a spot on the floor to use as a "spin point." This will help you make a complete orb with the light.
- 6). Hold the battery pack in one hand, and the end of the LEDs in the other. Turn the LEDs on, and start spinning the rope in a circle the air like it is a lasso, using the tape on the floor as the bottom point of the circle. Have the camera take long exposure pictures while you are spinning the LEDs. Move the LEDs around as you spin them in a circle to create the orb shape.