- Wild yam root is known to alleviate symptoms of fatigue and pain from muscle aches. Muscle pain is often a result of physical overexertion, or muscle injury due to physically demanding work or exercise.
- Abdominal and premenstrual cramps are ailments that holistic practitioners recommend the use of wild yam root to treat. Wild yam root works to lessen the painful spasms and contractions caused by cramping.
- Wild yam root is believed to prevent kidney stones from forming.Image by Flickr.com, courtesy of hobvias sudoneighm
Kidney stones are hard crystallized chemicals that sit inside the kidneys and can become painful if they become too large. Wild yam root can be used to prevent kidney stones from forming, and helps urine drain from the kidney into the bladder properly. - Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that often results in uncomfortable pain, stiffness and swelling. Wild yam is believed to have a therapeutic action providing anti-inflammatory pain relief to arthritis sufferers.
- High blood pressure is a serious condition that if left untreated can lead to stroke, heart attack and congestive heart failure. Some herbalists recommend the use of wild yam root among other precautionary measures as a means of controlling and preventing high blood pressure.
Muscle Aches
Kidney Stones
High Blood Pressure