- 1). From the Main Menu screen, select the My Career option to enter your player's career screen. Enter the shoe selection screen, and select any shoes other than your Air Jordan 2010 Team shoes to avoid the +3 speed advantage. Remember that you can use your shoes to gain various advantages for your character. Leave the shoe screen and save your game.
- 2). Select the game mode menu from the options screen and turn autosave off. Select the Player Attributes screen from the My Career menu and press your button to move to your attribute screen. For instance, use your right trigger button for the Xbox 360 system. Make sure your speed attribute is 97 or lower. If your speed is higher, select your speed attribute and press left on your directional keys to lower your speed to 97, giving you free skill points. Leave the attribute menu and save your game.
- 3). Enter your drill menu and select the dribbling course. Run the course normally, moving through cones as the directional arrows direct you. Pass on the left side of the two optional directional cones. If you fail to get a gold score on the course, or if you do not get a +2 speed reward, leave your game and restart, without saving. Repeat the course as you need to get used to the turns and speed requirements, but remember to avoid saving.
- 4). Go to your attribute screen again, when you earn a +2 reward for the speed course and use your directional buttons to move your speed back to 97, earning yourself points to spend on other traits. If your speed is lower than this, repeat the course until your speed is at 97 and keep the points. Remember that you earn far more points from sacrificing a 99 down to a 97 than you do from sacrificing lower points. Spend your points on other skills and attributes before you leave the screen and save your game.