- 1). Detach the porch swing with a screwdriver, hammer or ratchet. Place the swing on a canvas drop cloth.
- 2). Sand the porch swing with a power sander and 180-grit sandpaper until the wood appears dull. Existing wood sealer will prevent stain absorption. Skipping this step may contribute to an uneven finish.
- 3). Wipe the swing with tack cloths to remove sawdust created during the sanding process.
- 1). Apply gel stain to the porch swing with a three-inch China brush. Wipe gel stain from the swing with shop rags. Let the swing dry for three hours.
- 2). Wash gel stain from the china brush's bristles with mineral spirits. Water will ruin this particular type of paintbrush.
- 3). Apply varnish to the porch swing with the clean China brush. Brush along with the swing's wood grain when possible. Study the swing to look for sagging. Use the brush to smooth these spots if necessary. Let the swing dry for three hours.