Health & Medical Anti Aging

The Best Wrinkle Reduction Advice I"ve Found

Have you ever gotten any wrinkle reduction advice that truly did you any lasting good? Most of the tips that people have for smooth skin anti wrinkles remedies are things that were either handed down to them, or something off the wall that they concocted themselves. At any rate it is best to err on the side of caution when using these advised methods.

I have read all sorts of crazy wrinkle reduction advice from the man who once a week shaves his entire face to the woman who advises that brushing your skin with a medium bristle brush to improve circulation, and help reduce wrinkles. I wouldn't advise anyone to try either if these two methods.

Most smooth skin anti wrinkles advice isn't quite so outlandish. Mostly what you will hear or read about are food or spice related cleansers, scrubs, and masks. All of these kinds of concoctions are relatively harmless since they are made up of edible ingredients, but they really won't do much to help you in actually reducing wrinkles.

That is because all of the wrinkle reduction advice of this nature is aimed at providing a topical cure for the problem of aging skin. The problem on one hand is that many of the ingredients that are used in these formulas are not readily absorbable by your skin, and on the other hand they could solve your problems if they were.

Smooth skin anti wrinkles formulas such as these can have an astringent affect that will tighten and tone your skin for a few hours at a time, but they won't do anything for the fundamental causes of aging skin. Solutions such as these will give you only a slight aesthetic benefit.

A bit of wrinkle reduction advice that you could use is that there are only a few natural substances that will be able to reverse the internal processes that are behind why our skin ages as it does, and they are very specialized in nature.

A smooth skin anti wrinkles formula would have to contain Functional Keratin to stimulate the body to produce more collagen and elastin. This natural protein is extracted by a company in New Zealand from the wool of native sheep. It is the most powerful tool for promoting collagen growth that exists.

Another piece of wrinkle reduction advice is the use of an extract taken from Japanese kelp called Phytessence Wakame. This extract will stop the aggressive action of the enzyme that breaks down your skins hyaluronic acid which is a fundamental supportive tissue that helps the skin to remain full, and firm.

Your smooth skin anti wrinkles formula then needs to be loaded down with all manner of plant-based antioxidants in order to reverse the damage caused by oxidation. After the free radicals in your skin are eliminated, then the antioxidants can begin the healing process.

Using products that contain the ingredients that are mentioned here is the only wrinkle reduction advice that you will ever have to follow.
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