AGEING IS the natural process in the body, but how fast you age is within your control. If you get gray hair in your teens and menopause in your thirties, then your body is not working at an optimum level, something is definitely going wrong within your body and this deterioration is mostly due to wrong eating habits and lack of physical activity. These two are the major causes of many diseases, disabilities and even deaths. WHO estimates that lack of physical activity leads to more than 2 million deaths per year, combined with improper diet and use of tobacco, drugs and alcohol cause most premature heart attacks, cancer, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, stress and anxiety.
Beauty tips in urdu
Urdu Beauty Tips Blog
Health Tips For Women
World Health Organisation (WHO) defines all movements in everyday life as physical activity; this would cover housework, recreation, exercise and sporting activities. Exercising regularly in the open air can open the doors to a healthy life and prevent the onset of many deadly diseases.
An active lifestyle also prevents mental ill health, boosts mental alertness, alleviates depression and facilitates stress management. It also improves self esteem and provides social benefits through enhanced social interaction and integration.
Strenuous exercise may not be always beneficial, engaging yourself only for half an hour a day in moderate physical activities like walking or taking the stairs rather than the elevator or dancing or marching in the same spot for some time is sufficient to obtain health benefits. Moderate physical activity can be carried out at no cost and it can be easily accommodated in your daily life. Besides the physical activity you should also correct your eating habits. It is the food; you feed your body that makes it stay young and healthy even when you are past your prime. Eating unwisely and gorging on junk food inches you slowly and gradually towards old age, bur eating right and healthy food full of essential nutrients' will keep you alive and kicking right up to the biblical age of 3 scores and ten.
Ageing of the body starts when your immune system turns weak due to wrong eating habits, your mind starts troubling you, you begin to abhor sex, your hair starts graying prematurely, your skin become dry and wrinkles appear and your muscles start sagging. Besides wrong diet, smoking, drinking, indulging in drugs and free sex, stress and environment also playa major role in ageing. The growing pollution, exposure to radiation and use of pesticides all together damage the cells in the body. The damage to the cells is caused by free radicals produced by the body as a byproduct of metabolism. But the body's defense system, called antioxidants, counters the activity of the free radicals and snuff out ninety-nine percent of the damage done to the body by them. But even one percent of free radicals present in the body prove very harmful to health and well-being of the body of free radicals. The worst enemies which encourage free radicals are too much coffee, tea, alcohol, sugar, pan-masala, drugs and junk food.
Beauty tips in urdu
Urdu Beauty Tips Blog
Health Tips For Women
World Health Organisation (WHO) defines all movements in everyday life as physical activity; this would cover housework, recreation, exercise and sporting activities. Exercising regularly in the open air can open the doors to a healthy life and prevent the onset of many deadly diseases.
An active lifestyle also prevents mental ill health, boosts mental alertness, alleviates depression and facilitates stress management. It also improves self esteem and provides social benefits through enhanced social interaction and integration.
Strenuous exercise may not be always beneficial, engaging yourself only for half an hour a day in moderate physical activities like walking or taking the stairs rather than the elevator or dancing or marching in the same spot for some time is sufficient to obtain health benefits. Moderate physical activity can be carried out at no cost and it can be easily accommodated in your daily life. Besides the physical activity you should also correct your eating habits. It is the food; you feed your body that makes it stay young and healthy even when you are past your prime. Eating unwisely and gorging on junk food inches you slowly and gradually towards old age, bur eating right and healthy food full of essential nutrients' will keep you alive and kicking right up to the biblical age of 3 scores and ten.
Ageing of the body starts when your immune system turns weak due to wrong eating habits, your mind starts troubling you, you begin to abhor sex, your hair starts graying prematurely, your skin become dry and wrinkles appear and your muscles start sagging. Besides wrong diet, smoking, drinking, indulging in drugs and free sex, stress and environment also playa major role in ageing. The growing pollution, exposure to radiation and use of pesticides all together damage the cells in the body. The damage to the cells is caused by free radicals produced by the body as a byproduct of metabolism. But the body's defense system, called antioxidants, counters the activity of the free radicals and snuff out ninety-nine percent of the damage done to the body by them. But even one percent of free radicals present in the body prove very harmful to health and well-being of the body of free radicals. The worst enemies which encourage free radicals are too much coffee, tea, alcohol, sugar, pan-masala, drugs and junk food.