Health & Medical Anti Aging

The Secrets of the Most Powerful Deep Wrinkle Creams

Let's face it; no one enjoys looking at a picture of herself or looking in the mirror and seeing deep wrinkles etched across her face.
 That's why a deep wrinkle cream is such a popular product.
 Everyone is looking for that magic way to prevent deep wrinkles from forming and get rid of the ones that are already there.
Cosmetic companies make a fortune on wrinkle removal for face products.
 But don't be fooled by the pretty packaging and empty promises of the cosmetic companies.
 The major companies are in the business to make a hefty profit; and why shouldn't they? That's the goal of every business.
  Many of these companies will include collagen and elastin in their products, because they know the public is aware that these two ingredients are necessary for young-looking skin.
 However, collagen and elastin molecules are too large to penetrate the skin's layers.
 Therefore they do no good when applied topically.
  On the other hand, a quality deep wrinkle cream will increase collagen and elastin levels in the skin.
 But rather than containing these two ingredients, it will instead stimulate the body to ramp up its own production of these two substances.
  The body uses collagen and elastin as the scaffolding and support for the skin, to give it strength and "spring", and to repair damage to the scaffolding that results in fine lines and wrinkles.
 The reason those wrinkles appeared in the first place is because there wasn't enough collagen and elastin available to maintain the structural support of the skin.
  One of the best ingredients on the market to increase collagen and elastin levels is a specially processed keratin extracted from the wool of New Zealand sheep.
 And not only does it increase collagen and elastin, but in studies, a deep wrinkle cream containing it resulted in a 160% increase in new skin cells.
 By increasing these skin cells, and thickening the outer layer of skin, depth of wrinkles is reduced.
  But wrinkle removal for face isn't just all about increasing collagen and elastin levels.
 It's also about supplying the skin with powerful antioxidants to protect against oxidation.
  Oxidation of cells can cause a lot of severe aging to happen quickly, especially when it happens to collagen molecules.
 When a free radical attacks the scaffolding of the skin (collagen and elastin), it effectively destroys the molecules that are responsible for young-looking skin and starts a huge chain reaction of destruction.
 If not brought under control by antioxidants, wrinkles can form very quickly all over the body and face.
  The most powerful antioxidants found in deep wrinkle creams are enzymatic antioxidants.
 This particular type of antioxidant neutralizes thousands of free radicals, as opposed to a normal antioxidant which can only neutralize one free radical.
 Therefore, they can destroy free radicals much, much faster than normal antioxidants.
  So now that you know all this, the next time you're out shopping for a deep wrinkle cream, don't just buy the first cream you pick up off the shelf.
 Make sure you buy a cream that will help strengthen the internal structure of your skin, keep your skin sufficiently hydrated with natural emollients, and give your skin powerful antioxidant protection.
  To learn more about amazing natural substances and some of the most effective anti-aging products you've probably never heard of, please visit my website.
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