Health & Medical Anti Aging

How To Look And Feel 25 Years Younger

There have been some amazing and not so amazing breakthroughs in the fight against aging.
Injecting yourself with toxins to reduce wrinkles in my opinion is just dumb.
Rubbing creams and stones on ones skin does have some advantages.
To put this in prospective and answer the title of this article lets look at 2 structures: the cell and the skin.
We will start with the skin because that is where most people focus on their anti aging efforts.
The skin is the largest organ in the body (sorry guys, its true) and that is because it covers the ENTIRE body including inside our bodies.
The skin has primarily 4 layers (5 in thick skin).
The Stratum Basale (base layer) is where the nutrients from our food nourish the skin cells and where new skin cells are born.
As new skin cells are born they push the "older" cells "up" each layer till they reach the outermost layer where they are shed off.
As the cells progress further from the base layer they are no longer feed by nutrients from our blood so they die.
As you probably already know the outermost layer of our skin are dead cells.
This quick review of the skin helps to ponder the question, why do we spend a large amount of money to apply anti aging products to the dead layer of our skin?Why don't we focus on the basal layer?It is true that some topical products do work but what about anti aging of my heart, liver, lungs, these are important organs and they are comprised of cells, right?After all if my heart or lungs ages before my skin does I will be the best looking corpse in the funeral home! We have all heard that beauty is skin deep.
It is very true the skin is only as healthy as the person it covers.
We know this from diseases from other organs like the liver.
If you liver starts to fail you could have symptoms of jaundice.
Jaundice is a "yellowing" of the skin.
Most people wouldn't connect the liver and skin together.
However we are many parts made up of one body!When one organ starts to go several go with it because they are all connected.
The cell is key to anti aging.
Our bodies are a bunch of cells connected and working together to keep us young and healthy.
If you remember from high school biology the cell is the structural unit of all living things.
The cell has a 2-layered fat membrane that surrounds it.
Inside this membrane are organelles, which are things like the nucleus, stuff to make DNA/RNA, energy, remove toxins/bacteria, package proteins, etc.
All of these organelles have a job to keep the cell young and healthy.
Toxins, chemicals, drugs, poor diets, sedentary lifestyles, etc.
can harm these organelles and make them less efficient, thus speeding up the aging process.
Did you know that there are 4 key mechanisms of cellular aging?
  1. DNA damage - this can be in the form of exposure to toxins, chemicals, drugs, and poor diets.
  2. Genetic regulators - yes some aging is genetic.
  3. Declining Cellular Energy Production - poor diets, toxins, and sedentary lifestyles can affect how much energy our cells can produce.
  4. Accumulation of Advanced Glycation End products (AGE) proteins - these proteins start accumulating before we are born and continue as we age.
    Diseases like diabetes can speed up the accumulation of AGE proteins.
Chiropractic adjustments, supplementation, dietary/lifestyle changes, exercise and removing toxins from your body and environment can dramatically affect the rate at which you age.
Click HERE [http://www.
net/dr_meyer/vivix] for more information.
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