By the time you finish reading this article, you will know what are the best wrinkle removal procedures, what are their advantages and disadvantages and which one should you really choose for lasting results.
So let's get started.
Botox Ranked top in the list of the best wrinkle removal procedures by many people, this treatment provides really quick results.
So if you are looking for a quick fix for some big event like a wedding coming up, then this treatment might be right for you.
However, be warned that the effects of this treatment last for a few weeks only.
Then you have to undergo it again to keep your skin firm.
Not to forget, there are side effects like muscle weakness, pain and bruising to contend with too.
Collagen Injections This is a better option than Botox.
Since it's a lack of Collagen in the skin that's responsible for making it loose and baggy, these injections aim to solve the problem by the root by injecting the needed protein directly into the skin.
The downside is - the Collagen in these injections is a synthetic variant of the protein which doesn't bind well with the natural Collagen fibers in your skin.
So, the results of the injections are weak and do not last long.
They can also cause side effects like hyper tension, allergies and muscle weakness.
Collagen Creams These creams too try to solve the problem by supplying Collagen to your skin.
Although they are less expensive than the other treatments, they are less effective too.
The simple reason for this is - Collagen molecules are too big in size to be able to pass through the skin's pores.
So the cream doesn't really have any effect on the wrinkles in your skin.
On the upside, there are no side effects to worry about.
Creams that increase Collagen production in the body This is simply the best of the best wrinkle removal procedures out there.
These creams contain targeted, effective natural ingredients that make your body produce more Collagen internally.
The ultra pure Collagen so produced is directly available to the skin and is very effective in removing the wrinkles and lines from it.
There are no side effects to worry about too as this is a completely natural treatment.
Look for ingredients like Cynergy TK?, CoQ10, Manuka Honey and Avocado Oil to find such effective creams.
In conclusion, the best wrinkle removal procedures need not be complex or expensive.
A simple, effective solution is almost always better.
So go ahead and make these powerful ingredients a part of your skin care and see how they transform your skin into a fresh young one soon.
So let's get started.
Botox Ranked top in the list of the best wrinkle removal procedures by many people, this treatment provides really quick results.
So if you are looking for a quick fix for some big event like a wedding coming up, then this treatment might be right for you.
However, be warned that the effects of this treatment last for a few weeks only.
Then you have to undergo it again to keep your skin firm.
Not to forget, there are side effects like muscle weakness, pain and bruising to contend with too.
Collagen Injections This is a better option than Botox.
Since it's a lack of Collagen in the skin that's responsible for making it loose and baggy, these injections aim to solve the problem by the root by injecting the needed protein directly into the skin.
The downside is - the Collagen in these injections is a synthetic variant of the protein which doesn't bind well with the natural Collagen fibers in your skin.
So, the results of the injections are weak and do not last long.
They can also cause side effects like hyper tension, allergies and muscle weakness.
Collagen Creams These creams too try to solve the problem by supplying Collagen to your skin.
Although they are less expensive than the other treatments, they are less effective too.
The simple reason for this is - Collagen molecules are too big in size to be able to pass through the skin's pores.
So the cream doesn't really have any effect on the wrinkles in your skin.
On the upside, there are no side effects to worry about.
Creams that increase Collagen production in the body This is simply the best of the best wrinkle removal procedures out there.
These creams contain targeted, effective natural ingredients that make your body produce more Collagen internally.
The ultra pure Collagen so produced is directly available to the skin and is very effective in removing the wrinkles and lines from it.
There are no side effects to worry about too as this is a completely natural treatment.
Look for ingredients like Cynergy TK?, CoQ10, Manuka Honey and Avocado Oil to find such effective creams.
In conclusion, the best wrinkle removal procedures need not be complex or expensive.
A simple, effective solution is almost always better.
So go ahead and make these powerful ingredients a part of your skin care and see how they transform your skin into a fresh young one soon.