Health & Medical Anti Aging

Dark Circles Under Eyes Truth - What Should You Do?

As we grow older one of the first problems that we have is to deal with skin aging and dark circles under eyes, most women get frustrated with dark circles because they make you look a lot older than you are and you can look much younger if you get rid of it.
There are several causes of this skin problem and we should fine the way to prevent it by following a healthy lifestyle and avoid the things that harm our skin.
Causes of Dark Circles - Allergies can cause dark circles under the eyes due to airborne substances, pollen, dust and pet dander.
- Thinning skin, the skin under the eyes is very delicate and sensitive, as we age the skin becomes thinner which causes the blood vessels to become noticeable.
- Genetics, it can be a cause of heredity - Fluid Retention, blood vessels under the eyes can contribute to this problem.
Some of the conditions that cause fluid retention are heart, thyroid, kidney, liver, diseases and others.
Also smoking and dietary salt.
- Dehydration, if you have dark circles it can mean a sign of dehydration.
There are some natural remedies for dark circles under eyes such as: - Wear sunscreen with SPF 30 to prevent skin weakening due to sun damage.
- Get enough sleep - Drink enough water to avoid dehydration.
- Apply vitamin K Cream.
- Take Vitamin C - There are some dietary supplements such as grape seed extract than contain antioxidants that help to strengthen your blood vessels.
On the other hand there are also eye creams that help to get rid of circles under the eyes, but when you buy an eye cream you have to be very careful not to buy any product that contain harmful substances such as chemicals and synthetic ingredients.
Buy only creams with natural compounds and organic ingredients that are safe to use on any type of skin.
There are some great natural compounds such as Eyeliss and Haloxyl that have been proven to reduce circles around the eyes.
Several studies have been done, proving that Eyeliss makes a significant improvement in your facial look.
There are other natural compounds that you should look in an eye cream such as CynergyTk, Coenzyme Q10, Babassu, vitamin E, active manuka honey and others.
Be sure to read the label of any cream that you buy, you skin is very sensitive and applying harsh substances can result in irritation, inflammation and dyes.
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