At his Thursday afternoon presentation, Chip Kidd showed an example of 8 Man manga drawn by Jiro Kuwata.
Chip Kidd shared artwork from his upcoming book, Bat Manga! (due out from Pantheon in October 2008) and told stories about the creation of these long-forgotten, original Batman stories drawn and written by Jiro Kuwata, the artist of 8 Man.
Chip Kidd shared artwork from his upcoming book, Bat Manga! (due out from Pantheon in October 2008) and told stories about the creation of these long-forgotten, original Batman stories drawn and written by Jiro Kuwata, the artist of 8 Man.
- Read an interview with the authors of Bat Manga!, Chip Kidd and Saul Ferris
- See a preview gallery of pages from Bat Manga!
- Want to go to Comic-Con next year? Check out these 10 Comic-Con Survival Tips
- Check out what you missed in '08, including the Top 20 Must-Sees for Manga Fans
- Read more about San Diego Comic-Con