Want to know how to get shredded abs? Of course you do, everyone does.
But what do you do to get it? Well, I'm about to tell you.
The basic foundation of shredded abs is a low body fat percentage.
It doesn't matter how many sit-ups and crunches you do.
It doesn't matter how strong or muscular your abs are, when it comes down to it, you need to have a low body fat percentage.
How do you do this? You probably already know the answer, cardio.
Now before you groan in protest, listen to this.
You're not going to be doing regular, boring old cardio.
You're going to be doing interval training.
Interval training is a period of low intensity followed by a period of high intensity.
An example of this would be jogging for 1 minute and then running or springing for 1 minute and repeating.
Doing this for about 15 minutes will burn more fat off your abs than an entire hour of regular cardio.
The reason you do interval training is because regular cardio does not challenge your body enough.
If you are just going the same speed all the time, your body will not be challenged and will get used to it, meaning it won't need to burn fat or get stronger because it can already handle the workload.
But if you are doing intervals of high intensity, you are challenging your body.
The period of high intensity is to challenge your body so it will burn fat and the period of low intensity is to catch your breath and recover, and also so you can actually sustain the workout.
If you were going 100% the whole time, your body wouldn't be able to take it.
This one tip will save you hours in the gym every week and help you burn double the fat of a normal workout, but getting a great ripped six pack requires you to know a few trade secrets.
But what do you do to get it? Well, I'm about to tell you.
The basic foundation of shredded abs is a low body fat percentage.
It doesn't matter how many sit-ups and crunches you do.
It doesn't matter how strong or muscular your abs are, when it comes down to it, you need to have a low body fat percentage.
How do you do this? You probably already know the answer, cardio.
Now before you groan in protest, listen to this.
You're not going to be doing regular, boring old cardio.
You're going to be doing interval training.
Interval training is a period of low intensity followed by a period of high intensity.
An example of this would be jogging for 1 minute and then running or springing for 1 minute and repeating.
Doing this for about 15 minutes will burn more fat off your abs than an entire hour of regular cardio.
The reason you do interval training is because regular cardio does not challenge your body enough.
If you are just going the same speed all the time, your body will not be challenged and will get used to it, meaning it won't need to burn fat or get stronger because it can already handle the workload.
But if you are doing intervals of high intensity, you are challenging your body.
The period of high intensity is to challenge your body so it will burn fat and the period of low intensity is to catch your breath and recover, and also so you can actually sustain the workout.
If you were going 100% the whole time, your body wouldn't be able to take it.
This one tip will save you hours in the gym every week and help you burn double the fat of a normal workout, but getting a great ripped six pack requires you to know a few trade secrets.