- 1). Choose a picture of your car. Keep it simple and interesting. Use a magazine ad if you can find one because this will work well due to the fact that the size of the picture of your car will be large enough to use.
- 2). Place a piece of tracing paper over your picture and outline the shape of the car's body. Sketch lightly as you go. Trace the tires and the small details last. You can leave the details out for now if you want. When you work with your pen, you can use "artistic license" and improvise to make the car unique. Right now, focus on shape and form as you do the overall outline.
- 3). Place your traced piece of paper either under the page that you will be drawing your car on or next to the page. Transfer your traced sketch onto the pad, using a pencil. Focus on getting the proportions and the overall shape as close to perfect as possible.
- 4). Use your pencil and add anything you want. This is play time, use the freedom of the pencil to put lines where you think they will look best. Erase any lines that do not work, or look like they do not belong. Just get an idea of placement for things like headlights or wheel spokes. Use light marks and indicate where the permanent pen lines will go.
- 5). Trace over your initial sketch with your pen now. Once you have all the basic lines distinguishing the car, use a stylized method to give the drawing character. As your handwriting is unique to you, you will be able to bring this same individuality into your car drawing as well. You can use a few simple lines that look clean and precise, or you can add a "sketchy" and loose quality to your pen lines, and even waver off the beaten path by making "stringy" residual lines outside of your guide lines.