When I was in St Louis recently my friend Karen and I met a very attractive African- American woman who caught my eye. I instantly fell in love with her – she was so kind and wonderful to us – and before we departed her company, we warmly embraced and she whispered, "remember, we must remain cute at all times…"
We Must Remain Cute At All Times
Oh, the perils men and women confront when they decide to allow cutting, injecting and even lasers on their beautiful, pristine, unspoiled faces.
Once a face is injected with chemical substances it is forever changed. Same with deciding to lop off sagging skin; no matter how experienced the surgeon, the once untouched face will forever display signs of alteration. Even laser treatments have proven to be iffy at best with unexpected burns and holes on chins and around the eyes when over aggressive actions are used.
Disguising aging is big business these days; not only are the docs vying for your dollars, the department stores, spas of every kind, drugstores and internet sites want you to buy their hyped anti-aging lotions, potions and serums.
We have been deluged with all sorts of anti-aging concoctions from the foreskin of baby penises to a rooster comb to specially bred fish that are willing to eat away at dead skin. EWWWW! Do these preparations deliver on their promises or are they just clever advertisements that provoke wishful thinking?
Most people do not wish to look old and the advertisers know this. If you are over the age of 25, you are a target for anti-aging. Do those who advertise prey upon those gullible, unsuspecting consumers who regret their lost youth when they look into the mirror? Of course they do – just consider the multi-billion dollar industry of beauty. Open any woman's magazine and beauty ads spill from the pages – perfume, jewelry, clothing, boots, hats, belts and of course, skin care and cosmetic procedures are given top billing.
In addition, television ads and spam type emails bombard us just hoping that we believe our facial flaws can be remedied with surgeries, injections that fatten and immobilize wayward muscles or the ads tout the latest skin care additive – never mind that no long term testing has been completed.
Do you know that most aging in the face is a result of sagging facial muscles due to loss of muscle mass and sun damage? This means that using just skin care alone cannot adequately alter your appearance. You must use something deeper than just topical skincare preparations if you desire a newer, fresher face.
What you do on a daily basis also impacts the health and well being of your face.
Do you smoke? Is your diet void of fresh vegetables and fruit? What anti-aging activities do you participate in? Do you walk or engage in physical activity daily? Are you willing to initiate changes to help your body look and feel as young as you want it to?
Are you searching for the Fountain of Youth in all the wrong places?
Truly, the Fountain of Youth begins with exercise – facial exercise!
Facial exercise consists of small steps taken daily and these small steps lead you to a younger looking face without using drastic measures that usually puts your health at risk.
In just minutes a day you can create a more youthful face using your thumbs and fingers performing special exercises that act as your age erasers. You will not have to decide about using extraneous, dangerous, painful modalities that are unreliable and cost a lot of money to maintain because exercise is natural – totally green.
How can facial exercise stop an aging face? Can you really look years younger using a non-surgical method? What about those drooping eyes and sagging cheeks and that wayward chin? Can this type of aging be helped?
Without a doubt and here's why: Just like the muscles elongate in our arms, tummy, waist, thighs and hips when we do not maintain them adequately with exercise, our facial muscles can become out of shape as well. Now, we can camouflage and conceal sagging body muscles with body contouring lingerie, long black, flowing blouses and black, roomy slacks but hiding a double chin, deep nasal labial folds and hooded eye lids is impossible.
Here's the reason aging in our faces is so visible: our facial muscles weave over and under each other then attach to bone on one end; when they elongate from disuse or atrophy, they pool in a downward motion into other muscles and muscle groups. This action can create lines, wrinkles and folds that skin care cannot fix. Oh sure, there are lotions and potions that can soften the look of aging but to stop sagging facial muscles, error proof methods are required and it's not about surgery, lasers or injections that plump and paralyze.
In our faces the muscles are attached directly to our skin so when we use lifting and tightening exercise techniques, the muscles respond by repositioning and so does our skin. Our skin and muscles plump up as oxygenated blood positively affects our faces so that sagging is minimized.
Yes, using facial exercise is a do it yourself facelift. Just like exercise works for our body, facial exercise will turn back the clock so that your face can look five, ten even fifteen years younger in hardly any time at all.
How exciting to know that you can remain cute and pretty at all times without spending your children's inheritance. Love your face with exercise.
We Must Remain Cute At All Times
Oh, the perils men and women confront when they decide to allow cutting, injecting and even lasers on their beautiful, pristine, unspoiled faces.
Once a face is injected with chemical substances it is forever changed. Same with deciding to lop off sagging skin; no matter how experienced the surgeon, the once untouched face will forever display signs of alteration. Even laser treatments have proven to be iffy at best with unexpected burns and holes on chins and around the eyes when over aggressive actions are used.
Disguising aging is big business these days; not only are the docs vying for your dollars, the department stores, spas of every kind, drugstores and internet sites want you to buy their hyped anti-aging lotions, potions and serums.
We have been deluged with all sorts of anti-aging concoctions from the foreskin of baby penises to a rooster comb to specially bred fish that are willing to eat away at dead skin. EWWWW! Do these preparations deliver on their promises or are they just clever advertisements that provoke wishful thinking?
Most people do not wish to look old and the advertisers know this. If you are over the age of 25, you are a target for anti-aging. Do those who advertise prey upon those gullible, unsuspecting consumers who regret their lost youth when they look into the mirror? Of course they do – just consider the multi-billion dollar industry of beauty. Open any woman's magazine and beauty ads spill from the pages – perfume, jewelry, clothing, boots, hats, belts and of course, skin care and cosmetic procedures are given top billing.
In addition, television ads and spam type emails bombard us just hoping that we believe our facial flaws can be remedied with surgeries, injections that fatten and immobilize wayward muscles or the ads tout the latest skin care additive – never mind that no long term testing has been completed.
Do you know that most aging in the face is a result of sagging facial muscles due to loss of muscle mass and sun damage? This means that using just skin care alone cannot adequately alter your appearance. You must use something deeper than just topical skincare preparations if you desire a newer, fresher face.
What you do on a daily basis also impacts the health and well being of your face.
Do you smoke? Is your diet void of fresh vegetables and fruit? What anti-aging activities do you participate in? Do you walk or engage in physical activity daily? Are you willing to initiate changes to help your body look and feel as young as you want it to?
Are you searching for the Fountain of Youth in all the wrong places?
Truly, the Fountain of Youth begins with exercise – facial exercise!
Facial exercise consists of small steps taken daily and these small steps lead you to a younger looking face without using drastic measures that usually puts your health at risk.
In just minutes a day you can create a more youthful face using your thumbs and fingers performing special exercises that act as your age erasers. You will not have to decide about using extraneous, dangerous, painful modalities that are unreliable and cost a lot of money to maintain because exercise is natural – totally green.
How can facial exercise stop an aging face? Can you really look years younger using a non-surgical method? What about those drooping eyes and sagging cheeks and that wayward chin? Can this type of aging be helped?
Without a doubt and here's why: Just like the muscles elongate in our arms, tummy, waist, thighs and hips when we do not maintain them adequately with exercise, our facial muscles can become out of shape as well. Now, we can camouflage and conceal sagging body muscles with body contouring lingerie, long black, flowing blouses and black, roomy slacks but hiding a double chin, deep nasal labial folds and hooded eye lids is impossible.
Here's the reason aging in our faces is so visible: our facial muscles weave over and under each other then attach to bone on one end; when they elongate from disuse or atrophy, they pool in a downward motion into other muscles and muscle groups. This action can create lines, wrinkles and folds that skin care cannot fix. Oh sure, there are lotions and potions that can soften the look of aging but to stop sagging facial muscles, error proof methods are required and it's not about surgery, lasers or injections that plump and paralyze.
In our faces the muscles are attached directly to our skin so when we use lifting and tightening exercise techniques, the muscles respond by repositioning and so does our skin. Our skin and muscles plump up as oxygenated blood positively affects our faces so that sagging is minimized.
Yes, using facial exercise is a do it yourself facelift. Just like exercise works for our body, facial exercise will turn back the clock so that your face can look five, ten even fifteen years younger in hardly any time at all.
How exciting to know that you can remain cute and pretty at all times without spending your children's inheritance. Love your face with exercise.