So now that you have visited a blog, you either did one or two things.
Read one of the posts or you immediately bounced out of the site.
If you did not do the latter, I hope you took full advantage of the blog real estate and left a comment along with a link to your blog.
So as to not have insulted your intelligence , you would be surprised how many people do not take advantage of this simple link sharing technique.
You see, I look at other people 's blog as a way to gain knowledge and education (I recommend that everyone does this), but most importantly, I make sure to leave my mark by leaving a well thought out comment along with a backlink to my blog.
This in return gives me what I need most...
Traffic to my website.
Though this may not be the biggest industry secret, it still not being used by many online marketers.
For reasons unknown.
I want to change that.
Here are some tips on how to effectively do this: 1) Find Blogs with a high page ranking.
There are more and more blogs starting every day.
Which one do you choose from? For starters, find a blog with a high page rank.
I have an Alexa tool bar, so I am automatically able to see the page rank of a particular blog.
A blog that has a ranking of 250 thousand or less is good start.
Google tool bar works just as well, if not better.
Truly read the post and leave a well thought out comment.
Your comments will be seen by other people.
your URL link clicked and BAM a visitor to your website.
) Comment on many blogs.
Now don't be shy.
Be a fan of as many blogs as you like, but try to narrow it down to a manageable few.
Keep track of all of your blogs and add your MLM wisdom.
In essence you are riding the coat tails of a higher viewed blog.
exposure and backlinks.
3) Have a good signature line.
In order for this to work properly, you must have a perfect signature line.
OK, it doesn't have to be perfect.
Just make it clear enough so that people know your full name along with the right link to your blog.
Fill in the right boxes and provide value in your comments.
Ladies and Gentleman, this is something that does not require much of your time.
You will get the benefit of learning something new from someones post and benefit from a back link to your blog which may turn into a subscriber, a customer or a future partner.
Good luck to you! Dedicated to your success.
Read one of the posts or you immediately bounced out of the site.
If you did not do the latter, I hope you took full advantage of the blog real estate and left a comment along with a link to your blog.
So as to not have insulted your intelligence , you would be surprised how many people do not take advantage of this simple link sharing technique.
You see, I look at other people 's blog as a way to gain knowledge and education (I recommend that everyone does this), but most importantly, I make sure to leave my mark by leaving a well thought out comment along with a backlink to my blog.
This in return gives me what I need most...
Traffic to my website.
Though this may not be the biggest industry secret, it still not being used by many online marketers.
For reasons unknown.
I want to change that.
Here are some tips on how to effectively do this: 1) Find Blogs with a high page ranking.
There are more and more blogs starting every day.
Which one do you choose from? For starters, find a blog with a high page rank.
I have an Alexa tool bar, so I am automatically able to see the page rank of a particular blog.
A blog that has a ranking of 250 thousand or less is good start.
Google tool bar works just as well, if not better.
Truly read the post and leave a well thought out comment.
Your comments will be seen by other people.
your URL link clicked and BAM a visitor to your website.
) Comment on many blogs.
Now don't be shy.
Be a fan of as many blogs as you like, but try to narrow it down to a manageable few.
Keep track of all of your blogs and add your MLM wisdom.
In essence you are riding the coat tails of a higher viewed blog.
exposure and backlinks.
3) Have a good signature line.
In order for this to work properly, you must have a perfect signature line.
OK, it doesn't have to be perfect.
Just make it clear enough so that people know your full name along with the right link to your blog.
Fill in the right boxes and provide value in your comments.
Ladies and Gentleman, this is something that does not require much of your time.
You will get the benefit of learning something new from someones post and benefit from a back link to your blog which may turn into a subscriber, a customer or a future partner.
Good luck to you! Dedicated to your success.