- Depending on your chosen template design, there may be a best size for your custom header. When viewing your blog, click on "Design" in the top right corner. Locate the gadget titled "Header" and click "Edit." The Configure Header popup box will appear, which provides a "Shrink to Fit" option. Below this line, the configure tool reveals what natural header width your particular template design calls for. Generally, these defaults are somewhere between 700 and 900 pixels wide. If your template design calls for a header of 840 pixels wide and you choose to create a wider header, you will run the risk of having your header off-center and stretching too far into what should be the right margin.
- Even if your design template allows for a wide header, depending on your ideal layout, you may want to decrease the width of your header. For example, if you want your custom header to be noticeably left-aligned, you will want to create a header significantly less wide than what the default supports. Regardless of what size your header is, the image will have the same left alignment within the blog. If you artistically want to capitalize on that fact given your blog layout preferences, that will dictate what size header is best for you.
- Your preferences regarding the title of your blog will help dictate the height you assign to your header. If you want your header to rest behind the title text you inserted into Blogger, the text will appear at the top of your header. Consequently, you may want to create a fairly narrow header to border your title. Alternatively, if you want your header to replace the Blogger title entirely, you may want to create a large and vibrant header to draw in your readers. Depending on these preferences, your optimal header may range somewhere between 50 and 300 pixels high.
- If you want a text description directly following your header, this may also influence your decision on what size header best suits your blog. If you do insert a text description, you may opt for keeping the header relatively short. You do not want your custom header to alienate readers, making them scroll very far down to reach the actual content of your blog.
Template Design
Blog Layout
Behind or Instead of Title
Blog Description