More people daily are searching for a meaningful way to engage with the world around them, seeking services and looking for answers to their questions.
Having your own Blog can help your clients and prospects in their own home business by offer solutions to your clients needs.
Today, corporations first go to the online social networking community for up to date content to seek out new recruits, opportunities and new trends.
Bloggers are now seen as the go-to people for answers, why? A blog supports content, engagement and offers solutions, it provides a platform to share information and gives you the opportunity to connect with a person or persons and not a corporation.
Blogging is one of the top traffic sources for media, social networking, news and businesses providing a safe and fun space for like minded individuals to gather and share with each other.
The Huffington Post is now the number one resource for mainstream media, it has 28,000,000 unique visitors a month! Mashable, a blog that is dedicated to what is new on the Internet and has 7 million users monthly, how would your business benefit if you could get 10% of this kind of traffic? You can use your blog as a place for people to engage with you personally, gather great content, be a place for users to get great support for their business, which ever niche it may be and to engage and sale their products.
Once you have people coming to your blog site, you can put up ads for your niche, offer advertising space for others to come to and also use it for guest bloggers.
The best platform that I use is WordPress, where I can host my own domain.
There are many tutorials on how to set up your blog, which pluggins to use to best optimize your site and how to use SEO for keyword optimization, but I"ll leave that for another post! Hope this article has provided you with some insight and glue to how to use your own blog and the importance in today's market place to engage with your market!
Having your own Blog can help your clients and prospects in their own home business by offer solutions to your clients needs.
Today, corporations first go to the online social networking community for up to date content to seek out new recruits, opportunities and new trends.
Bloggers are now seen as the go-to people for answers, why? A blog supports content, engagement and offers solutions, it provides a platform to share information and gives you the opportunity to connect with a person or persons and not a corporation.
Blogging is one of the top traffic sources for media, social networking, news and businesses providing a safe and fun space for like minded individuals to gather and share with each other.
The Huffington Post is now the number one resource for mainstream media, it has 28,000,000 unique visitors a month! Mashable, a blog that is dedicated to what is new on the Internet and has 7 million users monthly, how would your business benefit if you could get 10% of this kind of traffic? You can use your blog as a place for people to engage with you personally, gather great content, be a place for users to get great support for their business, which ever niche it may be and to engage and sale their products.
Once you have people coming to your blog site, you can put up ads for your niche, offer advertising space for others to come to and also use it for guest bloggers.
The best platform that I use is WordPress, where I can host my own domain.
There are many tutorials on how to set up your blog, which pluggins to use to best optimize your site and how to use SEO for keyword optimization, but I"ll leave that for another post! Hope this article has provided you with some insight and glue to how to use your own blog and the importance in today's market place to engage with your market!