Business & Finance Blogging

Why Blog?

Since the invention of the World Wide Web, people have been surfing the internet, finding useful, informative, hilarious, bizarre, disturbing or entertaining websites.
When you find one of these websites and it strikes a chord with you, you tell your friends, they tell their friends who send it out as random junk email sent to inboxes around the world and suddenly, everyone knows the funny story about the king, the donkey and the princess covered in mud.
Or something like that.
This is the concept behind a blog.
Except it doesn't go through all of those steps.
You can have a page that you write, include links, notations, funny anecdotes, information, photos and video.
Everyone you know and thousands (or even millions) you don't know can get 'hooked' on your sense of humor or pathos and check in with your daily blog to see what happens next.
The history of blogs Blogging has experienced a forward push and is a full-on mainstream trend at present.
Some of the most well known blogs are attracting web traffic that even big corporate e-commerce website owners would envy.
Weblogs contain links to interesting or factual websites and are highly biased by the personality of the individual doing the blogging.
Blogs can include high-tech web design or be a simple page of pure text.
The popularity of this format of communication is due to the variety of blogs and personalities out there in cyber space, attracting like-minded people for every type in existence.
Jorn Barger, owner of Robot Wisdom weblog is credited with inventing the term 'weblog' in December of 1997.
The shortened form was termed by Travis Petler, who separated 'weblog' into WE BLOG as a humorous reference in a sidebar on his own blog.
These, now ancient by Internet terms, early weblogs included not much more than manually updated elements of popular websites.
With technically simplified browser-based softwares and dedicated blog hosting services now prevalent all over the Internet, even those less-than-savvy, non-techies out there can produce and publish a blog.
Blog software such as Movable Type, WordPress or LiveJournal can be used to run a blog.
The practical usage of blogging has not been entirely explored as it is a new medium for communication.
The current uses of blogging include communication, self-expression and storytelling.
The typical usage of blogging as a personal device for self-publishing makes sense since this was the purpose at the inception of the weblog.
The device of the blog is developing beyond the personal and into the corporate for customer service and sharing and management of knowledge.
The blog is also an emerging platform for education through blogs about learning and community.
The future of blogging is unlimited, it gives the reader a personal connection to the blogger and it is readily accessible.
Blogging is already used for interactive journalism, self-marketing and experience tracking.
It is possible the uses of blogging will be adopted by more industries as the media form becomes even more within the public's knowledge scope.
There are possibilities for blogging within government, for example campaigning and social reform.
The possibilities extend to health care by providing an online opportunity for doctors, nurses or healthcare workers to be in broader contact with patients to assist in patient care.
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