Business & Finance Blogging

Increase Blog Traffic - 7 Ways Twitter Can Boost Blog Traffic

Using Twitter to increase blog traffic takes a different approach than most other ways.
It can and will take some work on your part to become a valued member of this community.
But, it can be worth the effort.
The first thing you must realize about Twitter is: You cannot expect to use it as a tool.
Twitter is a social media site and there are real people out there using this service.
You must treat it with respect, and be seen as a real person.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind while twittering away...
Put your blog in your profile -
When people come to check you out they will look at your profile.
You only have 160 characters to explain yourself.
Not really a lot of space.
I suggest you add your blog to your only live link allowed in your profile.
Tweet your blog posts -
Go head and do a little self promotion and Tweet your blog posts.
But, make sure it's not the only thing you you put in your stream.
Only posting links and information about yourself is boring, self-absorbed and not worth following.
Tweet -
It is estimated that by the Harvard Business Review that 10% of users account for 90% of the tweets.
It went on to say that 25% never post anything at all.
So, my advice is to get out there and say something, anything.
Start using this valuable tool.
Re-Tweet -
Not sure what to tweet? You don't have to say anything, and just re-tweet someone else's post.
If you found something interesting, or useful you can share it with your followers.
Look it as a way to build up some social karma.
Share -
This really ties in to the above tip.
Find things your niche or community is interested in, and share it with your followers.
Point them to other Twitterers, blog posts or articles.
Anything you think they will find interesting, informative or even entertaining.
Be Social -
This is what Twitter is all about.
It's about getting out there and interacting with the community a large.
Make connections, have conversations and get to know people.
Have fun -
Hey, this is a social media service.
Have fun, and enjoy yourself.
After all people like to follow people who are having fun and are enjoying life.
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