If you are undertaking any online marketing then you should be interested in how to make a blog more popular.
This statement is made on the basis that you already have a blog to interact with your market and if you don't, then you are missing out on a very effective platform not just to gain internet coverage but also as a focal point for your niche.
One of the essential factors for how to make a blog more popular is to make sure you are providing the visitor with some but not all of the information that they are searching for.
How to answer the very question of what they want is through the research that you will have undertaken for the niche in relation to the keywords used to search for such information.
You can then tailor the blog posts and the article pages to these exact keywords that are being targeted.
Just think about this for a moment.
Look on a prospect as having a pressing need or desire to solve a problem or seek progress with an interest and thus require certain information giving them the answers to do so.
They use certain keywords for their search and find their way to your blog.
It not only has the exact information that is helpful to them at that very moment but also the visitor finds many other posts of similar quality and helpful information about others subjects within their interest.
Do you think that they will return on a regular basis? Ask yourself if you think that they will then be inclined to take time to read recommendations that you make for paid products which can either be your own or an affiliate offer? Keep providing them with up to date, topical and helpful information and you will have a popular bog.
When you do provide all this information it is important to take on board two points.
The first is to ensure that the writing style you adopt is not too formal and straight laced.
Blogs are an interactive platform so your style of writing should reflect this.
To put it simply, do not bore your readers.
Nowadays, internet marketers are faced with the problem of short attention spans and anything that drags on and does not interest or enthuse a reader will most likely not be returned to.
The writing style adopted should be of chattier, entertaining and certainly engaging.
The purpose is for the reader to enjoy and be informed with a desire to take the very action you ask and also to try and get them to return on a regular basis.
In addition to shorter bog posts of around three to four hundred words, why not consider the use of video? Again, you have to take into consideration the factor that many people do not want to go through lots of written text and would prefer to watch and listen to a short video.
There is the opportunity to create a series of videos centered around one topic and in addition to this also write some blog posts in order to provide the information in two distinct formats.
This will also help the page ranking for the search engines as you will then have links pointing to your blog from the likes of YouTube where you can host the videos.
Blogging is just so important for an online marketer as part of their strategy to gain authority within their chosen niche market.
Therefore it is very important to understand how to make a blog popular so that there is not just a steady flow of targeted traffic coming to it, but many of these visitors then return on a regular basis.
This statement is made on the basis that you already have a blog to interact with your market and if you don't, then you are missing out on a very effective platform not just to gain internet coverage but also as a focal point for your niche.
One of the essential factors for how to make a blog more popular is to make sure you are providing the visitor with some but not all of the information that they are searching for.
How to answer the very question of what they want is through the research that you will have undertaken for the niche in relation to the keywords used to search for such information.
You can then tailor the blog posts and the article pages to these exact keywords that are being targeted.
Just think about this for a moment.
Look on a prospect as having a pressing need or desire to solve a problem or seek progress with an interest and thus require certain information giving them the answers to do so.
They use certain keywords for their search and find their way to your blog.
It not only has the exact information that is helpful to them at that very moment but also the visitor finds many other posts of similar quality and helpful information about others subjects within their interest.
Do you think that they will return on a regular basis? Ask yourself if you think that they will then be inclined to take time to read recommendations that you make for paid products which can either be your own or an affiliate offer? Keep providing them with up to date, topical and helpful information and you will have a popular bog.
When you do provide all this information it is important to take on board two points.
The first is to ensure that the writing style you adopt is not too formal and straight laced.
Blogs are an interactive platform so your style of writing should reflect this.
To put it simply, do not bore your readers.
Nowadays, internet marketers are faced with the problem of short attention spans and anything that drags on and does not interest or enthuse a reader will most likely not be returned to.
The writing style adopted should be of chattier, entertaining and certainly engaging.
The purpose is for the reader to enjoy and be informed with a desire to take the very action you ask and also to try and get them to return on a regular basis.
In addition to shorter bog posts of around three to four hundred words, why not consider the use of video? Again, you have to take into consideration the factor that many people do not want to go through lots of written text and would prefer to watch and listen to a short video.
There is the opportunity to create a series of videos centered around one topic and in addition to this also write some blog posts in order to provide the information in two distinct formats.
This will also help the page ranking for the search engines as you will then have links pointing to your blog from the likes of YouTube where you can host the videos.
Blogging is just so important for an online marketer as part of their strategy to gain authority within their chosen niche market.
Therefore it is very important to understand how to make a blog popular so that there is not just a steady flow of targeted traffic coming to it, but many of these visitors then return on a regular basis.