Health & Medical Healthy Living

List of Foods That Are Monocots

    • A monocot is a plant that produces one seed leaf, as opposed to a dicot which is a plant that produces two leaf seeds. A plant that is a monocot may be a flowering plant, or may include some food plants as well. Monocots comprise more than 25 percent of all flowering plants in the world.

    Familiar Plant Families

    • This plant group contains some of the most familiar plant families. Monocots include plant groups such as lilies, agaves, palms, orchids and grasses.

    Important Monocot Food Crops

    • As one of the most important organisms on the planet, monocots used as food crops include rice, wheat, corn, rye and barley.

    Many Tropical Fruits Are Monocots

    • Many tropical fruits such as bananas, pineapple, coconuts and dates come from monocots.


    • Another staple popular the world over is cane sugar; which is also derived from plants that are designated as monocots.

    Food Trees

    • Palm plants are monocots and are also extracted for use as a cooking oil. Bamboo, which can be steamed and used as a vegetable, is in this same food group.


    • Vanilla, used as a food flavoring, is part of the monocot family of orchids. Vanilla is extracted from the seed-bearing fruits if the vanilla orchid plant.

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