Health & Medical Lose Weight

The Secrets of How Celebrities Lose Weight

How celebrities keep their figure so perfect all the time, while the rest of us we are still struggling to get into a pair of jeans from high school? A good plastic surgeon can perform miracles, but extreme diets are more a secret. Some celebrities are willing to go very far to stay in shape, following diets that are placed somewhere between funny and downright dangerous.

Gwineth Paltrow - Macrobiotic Diet

Actress goes to extreme diet, eating only 100% natural food. No processed or refined foods, meat, fish, eggs or dairy products or foods that have been altered by cooking. Actress survives only with fruit, vegetables, grains, seeds and algae.

Dietetic opinion: In a macrobiotic diet are not allowed to eat meat which means that you will suffer from deficiencies of protein, iron and vitamin B12. You will not necessarily lose weight on this diet and can be very dangerous for your health.

Sharon Stone - glycemic index diet

Sharon follows a version of the glycemic index (GI) is a system used to categorize carbohydrates according to their glycemic index or speed with which they are absorbed by the body. This system is used in conjunction with a balanced diet that contains protein, fruits, vegetables and starchy foods.

Dietetic opinion: It is a good strategy for weight loss and health, to avoid lowering the blood sugar levels that cause the need for snacks and fat storage. As long as the rest of the diet is balanced, it is very healthy.

Demi Moore - The Zone Diet

40:30:30 The Zone (40% of calories coming from carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% from fat), regular meals (at least five small meals a day), fixed hours for meals; healthy fats (from vegetable oil, fish oil and nuts), and lean protein (lean meat and fish). The Zone diet stabilizes insulin levels, prevent body fat, and help you lose weight without being hungry or feeling tired.

Dietetic opinion: Diet contributes to weight loss and helps muscle growth. However, the diet should not be a permanent on your body does not need so much protein.

Madonna - Flaxseed Oil Diet

Recent studies have found that nutrients rich in Omega 3 have properties to reduce the proportions. Madonna incorporating flaxseed oil in her style of super-healthy life with a very healthy diet and hours of yoga to keep fit.

Dietetic opinion: Flaxseed oil is not a miracle diet - it contains many omega 3 fatty acids (omega 6, which does not encourage fat storage), and, like nuts, contain more calories (50%), so the certainly should not eat too much. Endless diets and exercise are responsible for Madonna's enviable figure.
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