- 1). Measure the area of the wall where the mural will be placed. Write down the measurements.
- 2). Decide if the mural is just R2D2 or will he have a background. Draw a scale outline of the wall on the grid paper. Normally each grid square is a one foot by one foot section of wall.
- 3). Sketch out the mural inside the outline of the wall on the grid paper. Having a picture of R2D2 handy is helpful. Draw his body first. Start with the cylindrical body and the egg-like head.
- 4). Draw the robot's arms and leg next. The arms are long rectangles with trapezoid bases. The leg in the front is another trapezoid without the rectangle. Add in the details on the face and body. Most of these are squares, rectangles and circles. Add the details to his arms and legs. Don't miss the two wires that come out of the rollers on his arms.
- 5). Compare your drawing with a picture to ensure all the details are correct. Color the drawing to match R2D2's design. Do not color too thick; make sure the grid lines can be seen.
- 6). Clean the wall with a degreaser and sponge to remove any debris. Let the wall dry before doing anything else. You may need to fill in cracks with plaster if the wall is old. A base or primer may also be needed if the wall is brick. Let the wall completely dry before continuing.
- 7). Draw the grid on the wall with a pencil. The grid needs to be the exact measurements from before, and each square needs to be the scaled up version of the grid paper. A t-square is helpful to make measurements exact.
- 8). Start at the bottom and draw the sketch according to the grid paper. If one line crosses three squares on the grid paper, it needs to cross three squares on the wall. This will keep the mural centered and proportional.
- 9). Start with the darkest color, and paint all the components in the mural that are that color. Work from the darkest color to the lightest color. Make sure each color dries before you start painting around it. If you are working with a group or you don't want to have to keep looking at your grid drawing, you can assign each color a number and write the number in each area of the mural that is that color.
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Let the mural completely dry, and color it with two coats of clear varnish. This will protect the mural from various types of weather.