Health & Medical Lose Weight

Teenage Obesity - Know the Causes First to Tackle the Problem!

Being a teenager is not an easy thing with issues like peer pressure and studies stress.
Things become more complicated when you are an obese teenager.
You will find people laughing and talking behind your back just because you are fat.
Having a good body image during your teenage years is very important due to self confidence issues.
Teenage obesity is mainly caused by the wrong choices of food.
They are being exposed to unhealthy food such as fast food and this causes them to pick the wrong choices of food.
Fast food contains lots of fats which are directly attributable to weight gain.
Furthermore, since parents are getting busier with their jobs nowadays and have no time to educate their children about the right food to eat, teenagers might have very little knowledge about good and healthy food.
Next, teenagers now spend a lot of time at home, either online, playing video games or watching television.
These activities do not require much body movement and they will end up sitting for a few good hours without working out.
When your body burns a little fat due to the fact that you do not work out, you will gain weight and this leads to obesity.
Food portions are also getting bigger nowadays and might exceed the recommended portion for teenagers.
On why the food sellers are serving bigger portions, this might due to their profitability issues.
When the teenagers eat more than what they need for energy, the body will end up storing fat and this causes obesity.
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