- 1). Remove the mattress and bedding.
- 2). Use ordinary dish soap and rags to clean the wood beds. Rinse the wood with damp rags. Wait a full day for the bed to dry.
- 3). Sand the wood bed with a palm sander, equipped with 120-grit sandpaper. Sand along with the wood grain until the finish appears dull.
- 4). Sand the wood bed, again, with a palm sander, equipped with 220-grit sandpaper. Sand along with the wood grain until the finish feels smooth.
- 5). Eliminate sawdust from the wood bed by wiping it with tack cloths.
- 6). Apply professional painter's tape to portions of the wood bed you do not want refinished. Place plastic drop cloths on the floor. Cover the plastic with fabric drop cloths. Place the wood bed on top of the drop cloths.
- 7). Coat the wood bed with oil-based stain, using a paintbrush, engineered for use with oil paints. Wipe excess stain from the bed, using clean cloth rags. Wait 4 hours for the stained bed to dry.
- 8). Wash stain from the brush with mineral spirits.
- 9). Coat the stained wood bed with varnish, using the clean brush. Wait 6 hours before replacing the mattress and bedding.