- 1). Remove as much glue as possible with a floor scraper. You won't be able to remove all of the glue with the scraper, but you should be able to remove larger pieces of glue and carpet debris.
- 2). Pour or apply an adhesive or mastic remover to areas of the concrete where there is glue. If you have a very large surface that has glue on it, work with just one area at a time. There are many different types of adhesive removers on the market, including soy-based removers that are biodegradable and nontoxic. Follow the instructions on the product that you choose closely. In most cases, you will need to apply the adhesive or mastic remover to the glue spot and then wait around thirty minutes to an hour for the glue to soften.
- 3). Scrape the now-softened glue off of the concrete with the floor scraper.
- 4). Wash the floor thoroughly using a mop and clean, warm water. Once the floor dries, inspect it for any remaining glue spots. If you find glue, reapply adhesive remover to the spot, wait for it to soften, scrape it and rewash that area of the floor.