Do You Hate Weighing Yourself?
By Graham Nicholls
The more people I speak to about losing weight the more I hear the same thing €But I hate weighing myself€ and time and time again I say the same thing.................
€You absolutely MUST weigh yourself on a regular basis€
It doesn't matter what you are trying to achieve in life, checking where you are as you go along the journey is critical. When you evaluate where you are going you can see when you are not on the right path and then correct what you are doing. However, if you just continue down the same path blindly that might be the wrong path and that will not lead you to where you want to go.
So here are the keys to effectively checking your diet and weight loss progress:
€ Don't be afraid of the weight you are now - the number one reason I hear for people not wanting to weigh themselves is that they don't want to know how heavy they really are! When not weighing themselves they can kid themselves that they are not as heavy as they actually are! Remember, this isn't the weight you are always going to be if you are committed to losing weight.
€ Weigh yourself when you first start your diet - you need to know the starting point so you can keep evaluating. If you have already started your diet and weight loss program weigh yourself now so that you have that starting point.
€ Set yourself an overall target - what weight do you want to get to, there's an old saying that goes €if you don't know where you are going, all roads lead to nowhere€ - make sure you set yourself a target.
€ Weigh yourself as a minimum fortnightly - you need to know if what you are doing is working time after time. It is usual for people to lose weight in the first few weeks of dieting but your body gets used to what you are eating and it slows down. You need to know when this happens so that you can change your strategy, even if it's only slightly, to make a difference.
€ Don't be put off - if you happen to put on a little weight don't be put off be motivated to do better. Remember if you are exercising you are going to gain muscle which weighs more than fat! Use a slight weigh gain as a motivator.
€ Celebrate each weight loss - whether you lose 1lb or 10lbs celebrate it; make weighing yourself a fun thing to do. It doesn't matter if you just pump for fist in the air and shout YES or put some music and dance around a celebration makes weighing yourself fun and gives your unconscious mind a signal that you like doing this so it will want to do it more.
€ Don't celebrate with food - When you weigh yourself and lose weight make sure you don't celebrate with food. So many people I coach get devastated when they lose weight one week so decide to €treat' themselves with something like cake or chocolate and end up putting weight on the following week.
So in conclusion; if you hate weighing yourself you need to move past it as it is absolutely key to dieting and weight loss. You must measure and evaluate on a regular basis to make sure you are on the right path.
To Your Success
By Graham Nicholls
The more people I speak to about losing weight the more I hear the same thing €But I hate weighing myself€ and time and time again I say the same thing.................
€You absolutely MUST weigh yourself on a regular basis€
It doesn't matter what you are trying to achieve in life, checking where you are as you go along the journey is critical. When you evaluate where you are going you can see when you are not on the right path and then correct what you are doing. However, if you just continue down the same path blindly that might be the wrong path and that will not lead you to where you want to go.
So here are the keys to effectively checking your diet and weight loss progress:
€ Don't be afraid of the weight you are now - the number one reason I hear for people not wanting to weigh themselves is that they don't want to know how heavy they really are! When not weighing themselves they can kid themselves that they are not as heavy as they actually are! Remember, this isn't the weight you are always going to be if you are committed to losing weight.
€ Weigh yourself when you first start your diet - you need to know the starting point so you can keep evaluating. If you have already started your diet and weight loss program weigh yourself now so that you have that starting point.
€ Set yourself an overall target - what weight do you want to get to, there's an old saying that goes €if you don't know where you are going, all roads lead to nowhere€ - make sure you set yourself a target.
€ Weigh yourself as a minimum fortnightly - you need to know if what you are doing is working time after time. It is usual for people to lose weight in the first few weeks of dieting but your body gets used to what you are eating and it slows down. You need to know when this happens so that you can change your strategy, even if it's only slightly, to make a difference.
€ Don't be put off - if you happen to put on a little weight don't be put off be motivated to do better. Remember if you are exercising you are going to gain muscle which weighs more than fat! Use a slight weigh gain as a motivator.
€ Celebrate each weight loss - whether you lose 1lb or 10lbs celebrate it; make weighing yourself a fun thing to do. It doesn't matter if you just pump for fist in the air and shout YES or put some music and dance around a celebration makes weighing yourself fun and gives your unconscious mind a signal that you like doing this so it will want to do it more.
€ Don't celebrate with food - When you weigh yourself and lose weight make sure you don't celebrate with food. So many people I coach get devastated when they lose weight one week so decide to €treat' themselves with something like cake or chocolate and end up putting weight on the following week.
So in conclusion; if you hate weighing yourself you need to move past it as it is absolutely key to dieting and weight loss. You must measure and evaluate on a regular basis to make sure you are on the right path.
To Your Success