The majority of new trainers decide to dedicate most of their time and attention to building pecs, the large slabs of muscle in the chest, and for very good reason; this muscle group is one of the strongest and largest in the upper body and is also one of the most desired muscle groups.
In this article I'll explore the fundamentals of pec training as well as the quickest and most effective way for you to build that thick, solid chest that you've wanted ever since you started bodybuilding.
Flat Bench Press The most commonly utilized exercise for quickly building pecs is the flat bench press, this exercise works the entire chest area and has proven to build the most muscle mass in comparison to any other chest exercise.
Using dumbbells allows you to work each pec individually, this ensures that they grow in proportion with each other, whilst also allowing for a greater range of motion.
In saying this, barbells should not be neglected and can also be used as a variation to keep your muscles guessing and growing.
In a nutshell, the flat bench press should be used as a staple in all of your chest workouts.
Incline Bench Press Probably the second most commonly used exercise for building pecs is the incline bench press, this exercise predominately works the upper chest but also works the lower chest, shoulders and triceps.
Most bodybuilders just starting out, tend to neglect their upper chest and end up with a disproportionately large amount of muscle in their lower chest in comparison to the small amount of muscle in their upper chest.
The incline bench press is a fantastic remedy for this and continues to play a large part in most, if not all weight training routines.
Dumbbell Flyes Last, but definitely not least comes the dumbbell fly.
Dumbbell flyes are mainly a shaping exercise in that they stretch out the chest to give a wider look to your pectoral muscles.
They are especially good at isolating as well as pre-exhausting the chest muscle which helps you to get the best possible gains from your chest workout.
In this article I'll explore the fundamentals of pec training as well as the quickest and most effective way for you to build that thick, solid chest that you've wanted ever since you started bodybuilding.
Flat Bench Press The most commonly utilized exercise for quickly building pecs is the flat bench press, this exercise works the entire chest area and has proven to build the most muscle mass in comparison to any other chest exercise.
Using dumbbells allows you to work each pec individually, this ensures that they grow in proportion with each other, whilst also allowing for a greater range of motion.
In saying this, barbells should not be neglected and can also be used as a variation to keep your muscles guessing and growing.
In a nutshell, the flat bench press should be used as a staple in all of your chest workouts.
Incline Bench Press Probably the second most commonly used exercise for building pecs is the incline bench press, this exercise predominately works the upper chest but also works the lower chest, shoulders and triceps.
Most bodybuilders just starting out, tend to neglect their upper chest and end up with a disproportionately large amount of muscle in their lower chest in comparison to the small amount of muscle in their upper chest.
The incline bench press is a fantastic remedy for this and continues to play a large part in most, if not all weight training routines.
Dumbbell Flyes Last, but definitely not least comes the dumbbell fly.
Dumbbell flyes are mainly a shaping exercise in that they stretch out the chest to give a wider look to your pectoral muscles.
They are especially good at isolating as well as pre-exhausting the chest muscle which helps you to get the best possible gains from your chest workout.