Health & Medical Anti Aging

Sun Damage & Skin Rejuvenation


    • Youthful skin can eventually show sun care image by anna karwowska from

      Ultraviolet exposure resulting from sun exposure over long periods of time is now known to create such changes in the skin as thinning and permanent changes in skin color. Brown spots, usually associated with aging, are often the result of alterations in the skin's pigmentation resulting from sun exposure that causes excess melanin to be produced in the skin. The spots are most noticeable on the face, arms, upper back, and hands---generally areas that sustained the most exposure to the sun.


    • Acitinic keratoses are pre-cancerous growths on the skin. They are scaly growths that can appear in places that were not exposed to the sun. Such growths should be checked regularly by a dermatologist, as they can turn into a form of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma. Other types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, the least dangerous, and melanoma, the most deadly.


    • Sun-damaged skin can be treatment applying image by starush from

      Skin peels are a relatively simple and non-invasive way to rejuvenate sun-damaged skin on the face. Chemicals are applied to the face to remove fine lines, tighten skin and gradually lighten brown spots and remove damaged skin cells.

      Microdermabrasion is another effective, non-invasive procedure that involves peeling the skin, thus stimulating circulation and improving cell turnover. Microdermabrasion uses a spray of crystals to exfoliate, or peel away, outer layers of skin. A form of dermabrasion called vibradermabrasion can be used over larger areas of the skin such as the back, arms and hands. Exfoliants and chemical peels are also useful in combating leathery skin that often results from overexposure to the sun.

      Lasers and light are also employed in treating hyper-pigmented areas of the skin. With intense pulsed light (IPL), flashes of heated light from a xenon lamp are aimed at specific pigmented spots and thus can treat the spots without harming nearby tissue. Several IPL treatments are required, with at least four to six visits generally necessary.

      Laser skin resurfacing uses a laser beam that vaporizes outer skin layers. The skin, when healed, appears smoother.


    • Cosmetic treatments such as Botox and various formulations of collagen injections can be employed to remedy the appearance of some wrinkles caused by overexposure to sun.


    • Lotions and creams can help treat skin damage.natural skin care elements image by rgbspace from

      Dermatologists, cosmetic dermatologists and cosmetic plastic surgeons are sources for skin rejuvenation treatments. They can provide information on the relative effectiveness and costs of various treatments.

      At-home treatments can help clarify dull skin. Such creams and lotions can be found over-the-counter, or stronger products can be obtained with a physician's prescription. Creams containing Vitamin A help speed up cell turnover, and creams with vitamin C may help eliminate brown spots. To protect from further sun damage, use sun blocks that protect against both UVA and UVB rays.

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